240g in wall shallow reef build

sx450 rider

WOW! I wish i had the time, the money, and they Patience to put together something that B-E-A-UTIFUL. Honestly i dont think i could have done the electrical, and plumbing work you did on that to save my life.
Keep it up the good work. Its amazing!


Active Member
i just read this entire build man, an it looks great, im lovin the tank, big grats on all the hard work man, its really turned out super nice


Tank is looking really good since I checked in last. Your frags are all growing out nicely. So what's the update on the monster buck situation? I've let quite a few walk this year but I'm hoping the right one walks under me. Indiana switched to a "one buck per year" rule so it pays to be a little more picky. It's helping the overall size of bucks you see but it would be nice to get more than one...


Originally Posted by KOgle
Tank is looking really good since I checked in last. Your frags are all growing out nicely. So what's the update on the monster buck situation? I've let quite a few walk this year but I'm hoping the right one walks under me. Indiana switched to a "one buck per year" rule so it pays to be a little more picky. It's helping the overall size of bucks you see but it would be nice to get more than one...
No big buck yet, but did just get home from the cabin with a nice large doe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jpa0741
About 10x the amount the wife knows about

You must teach us the way to not get caught

Originally Posted by jpa0741

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. Oh I am not rich, just a broke auto worker that spends more on his tank then he should
Then I still have hope. If my wife ever finds out how much I spend and have spent,
Dead man walking.
Tank looks awesome, and the buck looks real nice, great catch on both. Wishing the master buck walks across your cross hairs soon.


Active Member
Whoa! Awesome pics!! Amazing growth!
And are they really growing that far out of the water? or is that b/c you stopped the pump/ph's to take pics?


Originally Posted by Hefner413
Whoa! Awesome pics!! Amazing growth!
And are they really growing that far out of the water? or is that b/c you stopped the pump/ph's to take pics?
Yes. That was with the return pump off.