28 Gallon JBJ HQI or LED?


Well-Known Member
lol ur poor wife! Ur making her take all these pics huh? Tank looks great man! I bet u cant wait to see it in person!


Yea I bother her every day until she takes them lol! I can't wait to get home and get a couple fish and more corals lol!


Going to get my first fish next weekend when I return from Virginia Beach. I know I want to get a True Perc does anyone have any suggestions for a tank mate? I am looking for color more than anything.


Well-Known Member
I love my new naked clown....id go with maybe a goby or omnivore blenny if u can get one for ur tank mate! Not doing two clowns? I only have one of ech of mine as well!


I am still sort of undecided about whether to get 1 or 2 clowns but I am limiting myself to 3 fish total.


Active Member
I love your little tank. lol its going to look really nice once everything fills in.
for fish, if you want color, look at a tailspot blenny. They are beautiful.
you could do
naked, misbar or black clown
tailspot or bi-color blenny and
purple firefish.


Thank you Teresa.
I am going to add a couple of corals next weekend I think and definitely a fish or two. I love all clowns but a misbar would be really cool. I love the true percs and I love the maroon and gold clowns and the black and white clowns. I really just can't wait to get some fish in there.



Pic from today. It looks like the candy cane coral is recovering nicely with the LEDs. It looked really pathetic when I first got it.