28g SPS mix reef tank Diary!


Why not keep a sponge in there? I like to keep some sponge in the sump section somewhere, just for added filtration
What happened with your other tank with the whole flatworm exit thing?


I was good about keeping the rubble clean at first, and then it just got overlooked, and I was having nitrate issues. Moving the rubble all into the refugium, and no in the sump area helped a lot.


Active Member
wholesalers :) since i work with my boss at reef aquariums here in miami i go with him to wholesalers to get some amazing acros. when you ever want let me know. :) pm me if you want


Active Member
Looks good bro, I think you have the most threads on this site hahahaha..
My nuclear blasto seems to like its new home! Looks nice and puffed up