29 Biocube--A Work in Process


My Aquapod 24 got a leak in the top corner as well, I just drained it about two inches and siliconed alllllll around the top, you cant just do the spot where it leaks or it will travel down the side of the tank and come out somewhere else. It hasnt leaked since though! Silicone Rules! The tank looks great!


Picked up the new tank today! Siliconed the heck out of the tank all around the top frame. My snails will be spending another night in the Rubbermaid Motel 6 while it cures. Couldn't resist picking up more LR while at LFS, so I'll be doing some more redecorating!


Just finished rockscaping (again). I think I'm happy with it. Then again, I may wake up tomorrow and decide that it needs to be re-worked! I'll put the sand back in the tank after I'm sure I'm happy with the rocks.
I haven't had the time or energy to get a new battery for my camera, so the crappy pics I've attached are from my phone. I promise to try to resist the urge to post any more pics until I get my camera situation resolved!



I finally got a couple of inhabitants for my tank that are not snails! :jumping: I found the cutest Four Wheel Drive (Twinspot) Goby! After a long, slow acclimation process, he was turned loose in the tank about 30 minutes ago. After laying still for a couple of minutes he quickly found a large rock to hide behind and started sifting sand. He also took a little bit of mysis shrimp, but didn't seem terribly interested in it. After he gets accustomed to his new surroundings, I hope he choses to burrow in front of the rock instead of behind it. I intentionally didn't put as much sand behind the rock as in front of it to convince him to burrow where I could see him. But, I'm sure that if he choses behind the rock, that he'll move around the sand until he's comfy.
BTW, does anyone know how to tell the males from the females in this species?
My second purchase for my tank was a rock with several mushroom polyps on it. There's a few different kinds, so once I post a pic, I'm going to need help with i.d.-ing them!


Twin spot gobies generally do very poorly in small tanks, they require copopods just like a mandarin and are incredibly sensative and difficult to keep, just my two cents, good luck with him! :cheer:


Thanks for the input, Nudi. I appreciate all the help I can get with this whole thing! I called lfs that sold him to me and talked to someone that gave me some info on something to feed him that contains the pods he needs, but I'm still going to watch him very closely. If I see that he's starting to look not so good, or if it's just too difficult to keep up with his nutritional demands, I'll take him back. I may talk to someone else from another store to get their input. I don't want to keep anything that I'm going to endanger just by keeping it!


At lfs the shrooms looked reddish with a green tint toward the middle. They told me they were hairy green mushrooms. Now that I have them home, they look reddish with rust colored splotches on them. The one smooth shroom has a little bit of bluish tinted striping toward the middle. A couple of them look white with mauve/lavender coloring around the outer edges. Some seem to be reddish with a tint of dark blue. Any help with id would be appreciated!
Sorry for the less than stellar quality of the pics (currently shopping for a new camera). Since my Twinspot goby has decided to live between my shroom rock and the rock next to it, I have been unable to get a decent pic of him.



Came home tonight and found that my Goby feels comfortable enough to dig a hole and call it home. Anyone want to guess where he chose to burrow? That's right--underneath my shroom rock that I was thinking about relocating. So now my shroom rock will stay in place, and I will only see my Goby when he comes out to greet his new best friend: the turkey baster that delivers his meals!

kiddie lala

Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
Came home tonight and found that my Goby feels comfortable enough to dig a hole and call it home. Anyone want to guess where he chose to burrow? That's right--underneath my shroom rock that I was thinking about relocating. So now my shroom rock will stay in place, and I will only see my Goby when he comes out to greet his new best friend: the turkey baster that delivers his meals!

You know what would really be cool. You can have that goby PLUS a pistol shrimp. Always wanted to try that but I'm afrid that the goby might make a mess.


I got a very rare shot of my Four Wheel Drive Goby completely outside of his burrow. I had just dropped some mysis shrimp outside of his rock and left him alone for a few minutes. When I came back, the shrimp was gone and my little guy was just out cruising around. I grabbed my phone and snapped this pic right before he darted back into his burrow. Isn't he cute!


your tank looks GREAT and i love your twin spot; you posted on my thread earlier showing me him...i absolutely love him. i hope mine gets comfortable enough to come out and play soon. ive only had him for a couple days and he rarely makes any appearances.
hows the turkey baster thing working out?
again, tank looks fab


Originally Posted by BSchaible
your tank looks GREAT and i love your twin spot; you posted on my thread earlier showing me him...i absolutely love him. i hope mine gets comfortable enough to come out and play soon. ive only had him for a couple days and he rarely makes any appearances.
hows the turkey baster thing working out?
again, tank looks fab
Thanks for the compliments!
The turkey baster works fine as long as I turn off the pump before I feed him!


I like your aquascape a lot :) Do you only have one fish in the tank? What type of are you thinking of putting in there? Keep the pics coming :)


Originally Posted by blueram
I like your aquascape a lot :) Do you only have one fish in the tank? What type of are you thinking of putting in there? Keep the pics coming :)
Thank you!
Right now I just have the one fish. Just got him on Saturday! I was really wanting a Royal Gramma, but I've been reading that they can be kind of aggressive, so I'm rethinking that one. I'll probably get a Clownfish (can't have a saltwater tank without Nemo!), a Firefish, and possibly an Orchid Dottyback (instead of the Royal Gramma), but I don't know too much about them, so I'll need to do a little research first. I may consider a Sixline Wrasse instead of the Firefish.
Last night I picked up a yellow polyp zoanthid-type critter with stalks about 1/4 inch tall, and a tiny zoo rock with small, bright green polyps. Will post pics after I get a decent camera!


I have a royal gramma and he doesn't seem agressive right now, but he has his little cave to go into. The clowns hang around the center and right side and his cave is on the left. The clowns are too fat to get into his cave so all is well.