29 Biocube--A Work in Process


Hi All,
I've decided to try to keep a diary of my progress of my 29 Biocube. This is my first venture into the world of saltwater, so comments and advice are welcome! I promise that along the way I will become a better photographer and maybe even invest in a better camera (if I have any money left over after getting into this hobby!).
At this point the contents of my tank are: 26 lb LR, 15 lb sand, 4 Trochus snails, 2 Astrea snails, and one Nassarius snail. I plan to add more LR and another 15 lb of sand before putting any more critters in the tank. The tank is very young, but it wants to become a gorgeous reef tank when it grows up!
Here's how it's progressed so far...



Active Member
Looks good so far! What kind of lighting are you planning to use and are you using a skimmer?


I'm just using the stock lighting that came with the system. Maybe eventually I'll modify it to a high performance system, but right now I'm just trying to get down the basics!
No, not using a skimmer. Just figured I'd go with the basic setup included with the Biocube. I do plan to upgrade the size of my tank down the line, so I'm sure a heavy-duty, high-performance skimmer will be in my future!


Picked up another 5 lbs or so of LR and did a little aquascaping. There should be a sign by the LR at LFS saying "Warning: rock will look lighter under the lights of your tank!" 'cause the white rock sitting at the bottom right corner of the tank sure didn't look like that at the store! Oh well, I'm sure algae will start growing on it turning it a lovely shade of green.



Any tips on how to adjust tank or ambient lighting to make my pics look more colorful and not so washed out would be appreciated!


Looking good so far. I am by no means an expert on the photography thing. However, try getting a tripod, turning off the flash on the camera. Turn out all the lights in the room except for the tank. Then play around with the settings on the camera ,including the macro setting, and see what works best.


Originally Posted by yerboy
i love those fish... what are those paper tangs? very nice

Oh, I see you're familiar with that species. Most people mistake them for cardboard damsels, which do have similar characteristics...
When I got the tank I just couldn't wait to have something in it, and my creative side got the best of me!


One of my snails has been acting ill for the past few weeks. He hasn't moved much at all. I've come home to find him laying on the side of his shell in the sand, presumably after falling off a rock. I've seen him topple over and fall off a rock when another snail climbs on his shell, and he hasn't made any effort to stay attached to the rock, or to get up after he falls.
Last night I came home and found him on the side of his shell on the sand with a worm creeping into his shell and some other scavenging critters around him. I picked him up and poked at him a little, and he didn't move.
The first death in my tank


sorry for the death of your snail - its a good thing you caught it in time so that your ammonia levels wouldnt spike...
by the way, make sure that you do monitor your ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels in your tank, you snail dying may have been due to lack of food, or high levels of those toxins.
one more thing i would suggest is since you mentioned you would be aiming for a reef tank, spread your LR out and make 'flat surfaces' that coral can sit upon. this might make your layout a little more appealing, and aid in coraline algae growth all over your rocks. my friend suggested using smaller rocks after using large ones for a foundation; the smaller ones will allow you to customize you layout easier (creating cool caves and plateus for corals).. good luck and keep sending pics, i too am just starting out in the sw tank hobby!


Hey Dragon,
Thanks for the advice! I think he may have just been a sickly snail because the other 6 snails in my tank are doing fine--they're vicious algae-eating machines! I will check my water tonight to make sure trites, trates, and ammonia are still at zero. I hope they are 'cause I'm hoping to add a new critter on Thursday!
I definitely will re-think my rockscaping. I love decorating, so I'm not opposed to redecorating my tank again!
Thanks again for the advice!


New Member
i cant see amonia levels spiking from one snail, but Id reccomend 10 -20 hermit crabs and some pepperment shrip, they are good at eating anything that dies and keeping the crap cleaned up. looks good so far, the lighting in it should be more than plenty for anything you use in it. good luck


My tank is leaking from the upper curved corner of the tank.
My boyfriend, being the saint that he is, repaired the leak with silicone and went into work late so that I could get to my job on time and not worry about the tank.
I was going to get a critter for my tank on Thursday, hopefully this leak hasn't sidelined that plan...
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl

Oh, I see you're familiar with that species. Most people mistake them for cardboard damsels, which do have similar characteristics...
When I got the tank I just couldn't wait to have something in it, and my creative side got the best of me!
oh i should have known! about how big do they get? Are they reef safe? Soo many questions, theyre so colorful!


Active Member
Took me a while to see your post, but congratulations on getting things started. How's the leak repair holding? Odd you would have a leak so soon.
My hubby has finished the frame of my stand, for my 125 gallon tank. So things are coming along. I can't wait!!!!
I did just get my 12 gallon nano tank that will be my QT. I'm thinking of adding those paper tangs (might go with the pink or purple), so I have something to look at while I wait for the larger tank to get set up. :thinking:
Can't wait to see more pics of your tank as it grows. :cheer:


Exchanging it today for a tank that (hopefully) doesn't leak.
My LR and snails spent the night in a Rubbermaid container and they'll be moved into their new digs today.
I tried to take a pic of the tank draining, and my camera battery completely died.
This hasn't been a real good week for me.
So, after I get a new camera battery, I'll take post pics of the new aquascaping. One of these days I'll get something other than snails in my tank...