29 Gallons of sexy


Active Member
myspace owns..
UV sterilizer
x2 whisper filters
fluval 104
my powerhead also has a filter on it


u know u kids driving w/o permits think it's cool to do so. i know how much it sucks not to be able to drive, but it's kids like u that get the driving age bumped up. if lawmakers see how immature kids at certain ages act, they think that they are not mature enough to drive. that very dangerous. makes all of us legal people feel unsafe on the roads.
oh and i knew several people in high school that drove by themselves w/ permits, got caught, got their permit taken away, and couldn't get another one till they turned 18! just thought i'd let u know that....


Active Member
I'm 14 almost 15...and have a 95gal FOWLR...this one kid at my school has been caught driving w/ out a permit/license 2 times and now can't get his license till he's 24.


Originally Posted by rara12
Le gasp, we're like sisters, oh and im adding you to my friends list, not many teens on this site.

are you retarded?! there are A LOT of teenagers on this site


You guys are lucky getting your liscence so young. Where I live we have a graduated licencing program. You can get your liscence when you're 16 but its an "L" stage (learner). For a whole year you have to have a red L on the back of your car and there has to be a fully liscenced driver with you. Then you have to take a test to get your "N" (novice). You can drive on your own with it, but you can have no more than one other person in the vehicle with you, unless its immediate family. Its not too bad after the first year, but heres the kicker... If you get more than one ticket for anything over the course of the three years, they take your liscence away for a minimum 2 months and you have to start back at the begining of whatever stage you were at. I got my liscence taken away just before I was about to go for my full liscence. Now I cant get it until I'm 21.


Active Member
well, i was gonna say just move to another state, but i see that you are in Canada
im going to get my permit this week


No way, me too!!!
Im so Pumped...Its going to be type cool driving legally!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Oh im so hyped up now. I just got my first car!!!
Its not much. a two door echo but my brother gave me spinners to put on it and pink fuzzy dice! I cant wait till friday!


Active Member
yeah i cant get my lisence until 18 i think cuz georgia set a new law this year not sure tho.. 16 if the law isnt up...
but i already got me a dodge ram 5.9 V8


Active Member
i dont know what kind of car im getting, but ill be driving my mom's 05 Mercedes Benz C 230 Kompressor until then, because our SUV is too big for me to drive. HAHAHA!!!


Thank you bluelagoon!!! It really is scaring that you guys think it is so cool to drive without a permit/license. Even after you get certified to be on the road legally, it doesn't mean you can drive like an idiot. Not only are you putting yourself in danger, you are putting innocent people on the road at risk. I'm sure you think it is all fun and games, but please remember that driving is a priviledge... not a right. I'm 24 years old now, before the age of 21, I lost 2 very good friends of mine to car accidents involving people like you.