dea bad lt
Originally Posted by Tim_12
You guys are lucky getting your liscence so young. Where I live we have a graduated licencing program. You can get your liscence when you're 16 but its an "L" stage (learner). For a whole year you have to have a red L on the back of your car and there has to be a fully liscenced driver with you. Then you have to take a test to get your "N" (novice). You can drive on your own with it, but you can have no more than one other person in the vehicle with you, unless its immediate family. Its not too bad after the first year, but heres the kicker... If you get more than one ticket for anything over the course of the three years, they take your liscence away for a minimum 2 months and you have to start back at the begining of whatever stage you were at. I got my liscence taken away just before I was about to go for my full liscence. Now I cant get it until I'm 21.
You guys are lucky getting your liscence so young. Where I live we have a graduated licencing program. You can get your liscence when you're 16 but its an "L" stage (learner). For a whole year you have to have a red L on the back of your car and there has to be a fully liscenced driver with you. Then you have to take a test to get your "N" (novice). You can drive on your own with it, but you can have no more than one other person in the vehicle with you, unless its immediate family. Its not too bad after the first year, but heres the kicker... If you get more than one ticket for anything over the course of the three years, they take your liscence away for a minimum 2 months and you have to start back at the begining of whatever stage you were at. I got my liscence taken away just before I was about to go for my full liscence. Now I cant get it until I'm 21.