29 Gallons of sexy

dea bad lt

Originally Posted by Tim_12
You guys are lucky getting your liscence so young. Where I live we have a graduated licencing program. You can get your liscence when you're 16 but its an "L" stage (learner). For a whole year you have to have a red L on the back of your car and there has to be a fully liscenced driver with you. Then you have to take a test to get your "N" (novice). You can drive on your own with it, but you can have no more than one other person in the vehicle with you, unless its immediate family. Its not too bad after the first year, but heres the kicker... If you get more than one ticket for anything over the course of the three years, they take your liscence away for a minimum 2 months and you have to start back at the begining of whatever stage you were at. I got my liscence taken away just before I was about to go for my full liscence. Now I cant get it until I'm 21.



my parents told me they cant afford paying insurance for me and my brother so i cant get my full liscense till he moves out (in four years)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bailey52
yea.. J&J thats a way to teach your kid nothing
my parents said, that they dont want me to have to pay anything because they have seen so many kids that have to work and pay for their car, insurance, etc. then they get obsessed with working, or they have not enough time for homework and studying and their grades drop, and its bad for them in the end. so in the end i dont give a crap what you think. its different when you have to go to school, work, AND study. besides the fact that most teenage jobs dont pay hardly anything which makes you have to work even more!
anyways, once i get my license, i plan on having a job, but that doesnt mean i HAVE to.


Just as long as your telling ME its hard to have a job, school AND study... ha ok, well im 22 years old and I am a senior architecture student at Temple U, and I own my 15 person landscape architecture construction firm... I dont think im the right person to tell its hard to do all three...


Active Member
yeah exactly, thats what im saying, it IS hard to do all three. my parents dont think that i should have to do that when im in highschool. i know its hard to do all that. my mom was in graduate school, working a full time job, raising 2 kids, studying, and keeping the house together with my dad working at the same time. they dont want me to have to do the same thing


Going to school, having a job, and paying for things (insurance, car, whatever)..
Doing all of these things at the same time teaches you to manage your time! Its probably one of the greatest lessons my parents have taught me...its hard yes but you learn to budget your time and money. Having your parents give you everything you want is jst being spoiled!
*Be safe on the road!*


Active Member
Not spoiled, just helped out. I have to buy everything else w/ my allowance which i work for. I also have to fundraise to go on trips at school


I'm going to get my permit Monday. I turn 15 tommrow. I know at one point my dad was talking about giving me our car we have now and getting my mom a Darango to drive.


Active Member
Im going on Wednesday, thats the only day anyone can take me, and i still have to get out of school early to go.
My parents were going to do the same thing that yours are. I was going to get my moms Buick, i think it was like 1999 or 2000. But she had a couple of accidents in it and it started having problems (stalling out, etc) so they sold it and got her the Mercedes. And now my dad has a Pontiac Torrent, which is too big for me to drive, plus its brand new lol.
So they are going to buy me a small used car. Probably a Honda, or something like that.


Active Member
Sorry to have to put my two cents in...but all you guys driving without permits need to remember that life is short. You need to enjoy what little of it you have and don't go looking to snuff it out prematurely. I've been an er nurse for nearly twice of most of your current lifespans and I have seen it all. Accidents kill, maime and mangle the people involved. Sometimes the worst is surviving the accident and finding you are paralyzed for the rest of your life. Rules are sometimes a bummer, but they are there for reasons which are usually there to protect you and others. The challenge of the teenage years is learning to see through the cloud of testosterone in your brains and recognize the responsible path. In every high school there is a story of a student killed in a car accident. You don't want to be that statistic. You don't want to be the surviving driver who caused that statistic. And if this doesn't convince you, remember this....no one in your family and probably none of your friends will be able to take care of your saltwater fish if you die!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
Im 15 With A 375 Galls Tank Beat That
talk about being spoiled
either that or its yoru parents. and besides, id rather have quality over quanity anyday :hilarious
got any pics though? ive always liked big tanks.


Active Member
haha i havent been on the site since i posted this i dont think and haha it turned into some funny stuff haha
from pics of my tank to driving licenses to first cars haha


hey, this is the first time ive posted for a short while, midterms...Not looking foward to that report card