29g The Not So Nano... Nano


Active Member
I don't think it will make a huge difference either way with those fish. I would add the clowns, wait a month add the royal gramma, wait another month then add the wrasse. Just make sure you give your tank time to process the higher bioload and you will be fine. Looks like a good stocklist. Any plans for more live rock?


So far no more live rock. I didn't want it to look too cluttered but then I wanted to have more natural filtration with the rocks. So there is about 10-12 lbs in there now.
When I go shopping for corals I might just look at pieces already attached to live rock.


Check out this guy! Would adding this guy be too much on the bio-load?


I just looked up the trochus. They look like a better subsitute than the astrea simply because they can right themselves. I lost both of my astreas that way

I'll hold off on the turbos too and see how the trochus do.


Tank is cycled! I have diatoms all over the rocks sand and even the back wall which makes me pretty excited.
I can't wait to get my CUC in there, I hate the look of diatoms but love what it means lol.


Got some snails and a Royal Gramma two days ago. Pics will be up when the lights turn on
10 x nerite
2 x trochus (thanks to my brother-in-law)
They're doing great on the diatoms so far. One rock is almost devoid of diatoms.
Oh and I got a used mj1200, man that thing puts out a lot of water! Talk about surface agitation. And finally a magfloat, so everything doesn't look cloudy any more lol.


Here is the new guy:

He likes to swim on his side for some reason

Nerite snails. They have awesome patters on their shells

Here is the surface agitation from the mj

And the obligatory FTS

Ya ya I know that is a really ugly heater but I'd rather have it then my fish freeze lol. When I build my sump it'll go in there.


So I just consolidated my 5.5g today also. I was kinda sad to see it go but I have big plans for it later down the line.
I'll get pics but you guys have to ask nicely


Found out I have bryopsis

I'll be doing a water change today and suck most of it out. If I can't get it under control I might be buying a tuxedo urchin. We'll see.


So... the bryopsis is spreading. I'm gonna start weekly water changes now with scrubbing the rocks. Also I cut back on the lights by two hours. Is that enough or should I do more, they are on for 8 hours now.
I plan on getting nass snails for my sand. I haven't seen my trochus in a while so I might get 2-5 turbos also. Any other snails that do a good job on bryopsis?
I've been reading about the Rainsford's goby and how they like to nibble on filamentous algae. Would it be worth looking into?
Also any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


I picked up a percula today (my wife's Valentine's day present for me
). And the delayed photos of the stuff from my 5.5.

New member

My gramma


My GSP doing great, I'm gonna frag them soon. My first time fragging. Wish me luck!

And I just liked this picture cause of the reflection


New Member
awsome pics bro! yeah I went to the lfs to check out those clowns but they were already so big and I couldn't find one i liked so I bought a charub angel I'll post some pics later to bump my thread.


So it was my birthday last week and I got some moolah. I'm thinking of getting the Reef octopus HOB skimmer.

Anybody have any experience with this skimmer? I searched the forums but found little info; except that is was good.
Oh and on a diary report: my bryopsis is near extinct. I'm thinking it was either my water changes, the tank maturing, or my clown was hungry lol.


I was thinking about doing a foam background on my tank.
the only difference is, my tank is acutally up and running.
Is there any concern to adding this to a tank that is already stocked? i would assume you need to cure the resin so it doesn't leach. Does Base rock go through any significant cycle? I have only ever used LR and dont know a think about BR.
im about this excited to get into this.


I've never heard of adding it to a running tank. I wouldn't recommend it though. Even with the resin cured, the rock on the wall will cycle, base or live. Therefore it would kick start another cycle in your tank and potentially kill your livestock.
If you were thinking of upgrading your tank then I'd say go for the rock wall, it is so much better than plain black.