Originally Posted by
Well... here are my options:
1) I can continue to work around my back wall and livestock to try and get the sump together.
2) I can scrap the sump and leave the tank as is. And just wait 'til i can upgrade to something bigger.
3) I can get a bigger HOB to do the fuge mod.
4) I can drain the tank and get it drilled.
5) Rework my overflow design and make it a u-tube.
6) I can get rid of the back wall and make the PVC overflow how it is supposed to work.
Thats where I'm at. School is piling up and I've noticed I've been slacking on tank maintenance. Therefore I'm leaning more towards abandoning the sump idea for now.
Dont abandon the wall, just change it, see if you can make cuts in it to allow you to have overflows, or see if you can move it forward a little and do everything behind.