29g The Not So Nano... Nano


So after staring at my tank today I saw my rocks were developing brown spots all over. They flap in the current and are irregular oval shapes.
Anyone know if I should be concerned?
Nice Tank, i plan on doin something similar, specially with the rock wall. i think im going to replace the arch with more of a cave for the fish to hide in. Not to deep, i still want to see them, just a little privacy. Or would you advise against this?


A cave would be wicked! I haven't seen that. I wish I would have added more caves or tunnels on the flat wall. Would have been cool to see fish swim through.
I've seen people use pvc with cuts in the tube to make little caves. It'll be awesome to see what you come up with.
Originally Posted by WorrBaller http:///forum/post/3003579
A cave would be wicked! I haven't seen that. I wish I would have added more caves or tunnels on the flat wall. Would have been cool to see fish swim through.
I've seen people use pvc with cuts in the tube to make little caves. It'll be awesome to see what you come up with.
Hey thanks for the comment on the idea. I will say that it might be a little while yet before you see it, im still not fully decided on what i am going to do for my tank. See this thread to keep up with my ideas: https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/353535/new-to-the-fish-world
I do like your idea of having a a tunnle that that fish can swim through. I think i will do a cave and a tunnle like you said. We will see when i actually buy my tank. I also want to have a valley look with my rock insted of a mountain in the middle of the tank like most people do. All depends on what size tank i get i guess


I'm wanting to start my sump soon. I have an idea for a DIY u-tube overflow but that would be a bunch of parts and more labor than my newest idea (if it works).
I like the PVC overflows that people have done (I can't remember their names but I am thankful they posted on the internet) but I don't like how intrusive it is inside the tank.
I want to make one with only 5" inside the tank to fit in my overflow to hide it. Like so:

Other DIY'ers will this work or am I crazy?
Originally Posted by WorrBaller
I'm wanting to start my sump soon. I have an idea for a DIY u-tube overflow but that would be a bunch of parts and more labor than my newest idea (if it works).
I like the PVC overflows that people have done (I can't remember their names but I am thankful they posted on the internet) but I don't like how intrusive it is inside the tank.
I want to make one with only 5" inside the tank to fit in my overflow to hide it. Like so:

Other DIY'ers will this work or am I crazy?
If i do my overflows how i want to with my sump, they will be well hidden by my wall, the pvc will be hidden behind the wall, and the opening to the overflow will look natural, hidden in a hole in the wall, under a rock overhang or something, then i will put egg crate over it just incase a fish thinks that it is a good hiding spot, that way they dont swim into it


chevy - that sounds perfect. Plan plan plan. You won't regret the wait.
I on the other hand need to work around my mistakes now.

But after talking to the expert at my lfs he says my design will work. I might head to HD tomorrow, might not. Actually I'll probably get the pump first. I'm thinking the Rio 12HF, 750 gph with about 3 feet of head should be about right.


I actually did both. My design is flawed; it doesn't flow fast enough. Meaning there isn't a full siphon or there isn't enough pressure or something.
It flows and starts back up when I cut the power but it isn't as fast as I would hope.

The pump I picked up from a local reefer. It is a catalina 220 pump/powerhead. Looks like a rio. Pushes 850 gph with no head. It is on the strong side so I'll have to cut back the flow but stronger is better than weak.
Also I'm thinking of abandoning the sump with this tank. So far it is running great with the AC 50 and water changes. It is such a hassle to try to work with a running tank.
I'm going to hold off on the sump until I can get my hands on a new tank. Much further down the line.


Well... here are my options:
1) I can continue to work around my back wall and livestock to try and get the sump together.
2) I can scrap the sump and leave the tank as is. And just wait 'til i can upgrade to something bigger.
3) I can get a bigger HOB to do the fuge mod.
4) I can drain the tank and get it drilled.
5) Rework my overflow design and make it a u-tube.
6) I can get rid of the back wall and make the PVC overflow how it is supposed to work.
Thats where I'm at. School is piling up and I've noticed I've been slacking on tank maintenance. Therefore I'm leaning more towards abandoning the sump idea for now.


Active Member
I would go with your gut on this one. If you put all that time and energy into it and then can't maintain it because of school and other necessary evils then it ends up being kind of a waste. I would wait until you have a bigger system and more time.
Originally Posted by WorrBaller
Well... here are my options:
1) I can continue to work around my back wall and livestock to try and get the sump together.
2) I can scrap the sump and leave the tank as is. And just wait 'til i can upgrade to something bigger.
3) I can get a bigger HOB to do the fuge mod.
4) I can drain the tank and get it drilled.
5) Rework my overflow design and make it a u-tube.
6) I can get rid of the back wall and make the PVC overflow how it is supposed to work.
Thats where I'm at. School is piling up and I've noticed I've been slacking on tank maintenance. Therefore I'm leaning more towards abandoning the sump idea for now.
Dont abandon the wall, just change it, see if you can make cuts in it to allow you to have overflows, or see if you can move it forward a little and do everything behind.


Originally Posted by chevyrulzs2010
Dont abandon the wall, just change it, see if you can make cuts in it to allow you to have overflows, or see if you can move it forward a little and do everything behind.
The sand gets in the way of moving or modifying the wall. Thats a good idea for another project; make a section of the wall further from the rest to hide equipment or the overflow or whatever.
So I figured out a way to get a full siphon. But the flow is too strong for the pump and when it drains past the opening it breaks the siphon.

So i'm just going to leave it well enough alone. Abandon the sump idea all together. The AC 50 is working, so why fix it right?


Active Member
I think that is a good choice and then if you have time in the future and decide to keep this tank you can work on it more....


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I think that is a good choice and then if you have time in the future and decide to keep this tank you can work on it more....
Exactly. We're looking at moving in 6 months so I'll think about drilling it then.


Nothing new or exciting, just keeping up the maintenance.
The tank is doing great though, everyone is happy and clean. I'm keeping an eye on some bubble algea that came on my digi. So far it looks to be dying.
I'm looking into breeding clownfish. Black clowns more specifically. Looks fun but way too much equipment for an apartment. So that's another thing that will have to wait til we move.


I'll try and get some in the morning.
Oh and I seem to be missing quite a few snails, all of them actually. I haven't seen any nerites in a while. I'll have to pick up some trochus soon.
And when I told my wife that I should get an emerald crab for the few bubble algae I have she got all excited. "I love crabs they're so cute!" So I'll get one of those guys too lol.