29gal BUILD


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387567/29gal-build/20#post_3413135
You can but why? seriously, the filter media and maybe a little water from the DT would be fine? Where would you put the rings? I would personally get some filter media and add it to the HOB filter. Don't turn this into something difficult. Keep it simple and the clean up will be the same. Just cleaned up ours today from the Daughter's QT experince...... wow...
I agree. Keep it really simple. Not as much bacteria is on the filter floss and other media as you may think. Depending on how old the media is, it may only introduce nitrates and phosphates to the water. Maybe less "seasoned" is better. :D
Here's a curve ball - I don't use any kind of filter media in my system!


Alright, thanks. Keep in mind I'm new to the sw world and am attempting to do everything "right" the first time. I thought the qt needed to at least someone cycle similar to the dt otherwise there would be a spike when fish are added/in there for 3-4weeks.
To keep levels in check, should I do like a 20% once a week on the QT? Recommendations? Like I said, just trying to do things correctly...nearly all of this isn't needed in the FW world :)


Well-Known Member
20% per week on a QT should be just fine. It depends on your fish bioload and what kind of equipment you are running on your QT.
In my display tanks, I only do water changes once every six months to a year or as needed. It all depends on your equipment, husbandry, and maintenance skills.


On the qt it's justt the standard 10g hob filter that came w/ the tank (don't remember what kind since I'm at work). My first pick up will be a pair of juvenile clownfish so I'll keep an eye on the bio-load / tank levels.


Alright, my aquaticlife mini-skimmer has been running for a week (or maybe 2) now.... below is a video of the current micro-bubbles, Id this too much? this is also after i inserted a small piece of sponge (about 2 inches long) exit-chamber.


Just modified a maxi-jet 900 PH w/ a DIY spray bar :)
(side view)

(front view ... basically just see the end-cap)

If i were to place it near the surface, this is the 'aeration' it creates - seems pretty decent.


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing...TerseaQ told me about it. I made a T bar as well. I love the surface movement and it frees up the other power heads. Good job...Oh and I painted mine a swirl of purple and blue, it's near invisible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/387567/29gal-build/40#post_3413986
I did the same thing...TerseaQ told me about it. I made a T bar as well. I love the surface movement and it frees up the other power heads. Good job...Oh and I painted mine a swirl of purple and blue, it's near invisible.
flower, you'll have to PM me a pic of that purple/blue bar, along with the type of paint used. Hows the 4 legged babies? (sorry to take this off topic)


Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387567/29gal-build/40#post_3413985
great job wit the spray bar technique!! How many pumps do you have in this QT?
Haha this is actually my 29gal DT. It has the maxi-jet 900 (spray bar) and nothing PH - unknown type but at least as strong, if not alil bit stronger than the 900. There's also the output from the fluval 305 (i know technically this doesnt 'count' but it def adds to the flow in the tank).
My thought was to maybe point the 900's spray bar slightly downwards to create more flow over the rocks, then make another custom spray bar for the fluval output as aeration.
As for my 10GAL QT (lol) its just got an aquaClear 20 PH on it.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/387567/29gal-build/40#post_3413986
I did the same thing...TerseaQ told me about it. I made a T bar as well. I love the surface movement and it frees up the other power heads. Good job...Oh and I painted mine a swirl of purple and blue, it's near invisible.
you'll def need to let me know what type of paint you used :) I wanted to paint it as well to hide it but wanted to make sure the paint was safe


Active Member
Lol.... sorry. IMO you want great watr movement at the water line. as far as the rocks, yes some is good. Next time you feed, pay good attention to the water flow. watch were the food goes. you need good movement throughout the tank, not a whole lot just good movement


Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387567/29gal-build/40#post_3413990
Lol.... sorry. IMO you want great watr movement at the water line. as far as the rocks, yes some is good. Next time you feed, pay good attention to the water flow. watch were the food goes. you need good movement throughout the tank, not a whole lot just good movement
Alright - I think i would get better flow at the surface from a spray bar connected to my fluval output so ill give it a try .... less than $5 to make one lol


Originally Posted by gundamseed31 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/40#post_3414138
Hey i just want to let you when you water level is low those power head can make a mess. :O
Haha yea i know - The tank is in my room so Ill hear the water starting to splash when the level is low (plus i cant sleep through that noise), and I also top-off every few days :)


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, a T-bar from a powerhead running across the top of the tank puts more oxygen in the water then a regular powerhead. If you point a powerhead from the bottom of the tank to the water surface, it doesn't put near as much O2 in the water as the other way. I agree with gundam on this one though - you need to watch your water level, not only for not making a mess, but in such a small tank the salinity can change rapidly with that much evap.


I was planning on moding an AquaClear 110 for a HOB refug...... is 110 a good size for my 29g DT...? better size?


Hey all - please see my other thread: https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/387778/hob-refug-build-suggestions-advice-welcome#post_3414447 in reference to my hob refug build, any input would be great :)
Also, in reference to my skimmer/micro bubble videothat I posted.....too many bubbles still???


Going shopping this weekend for more supplies / fish / CUC:
Supplies for the Refug build:
-AC 110 PowerFilter
-Aquarium silicone
-Coralife 50/50 10w Bulb
-Dome/clip on light
-Macro Algae (either chaeto or grape/caulpra)
Fish (juv's) - Going in the QT for 30 days....or at least 21 lol:
-Oscellaris Clown (Orange/White)
-Oscellaris Clown (Black/White
-San Francisco Bay Brand Frozen Multi-pack (Marine Cuisine™, Emerald Entree™, Squid, and Omega Brine Shrimp)
Starting off w/ the basics....say:
-2 Ceriths
-2 Nass
-2 Nerites
-2 Blue or Red Legged Hermits
-Some extra shells.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/40#post_3414729
Going shopping this weekend for more supplies / fish / CUC:
Supplies for the Refug build:
-AC 110 PowerFilter
-Aquarium silicone
-Coralife 50/50 10w Bulb
-Dome/clip on light
-Macro Algae (either chaeto or grape/caulpra)
Fish (juv's) - Going in the QT for 30 days....or at least 21 lol:
-Oscellaris Clown (Orange/White)
-Oscellaris Clown (Black/White
-San Francisco Bay Brand Frozen Multi-pack (Marine Cuisine™, Emerald Entree™, Squid, and Omega Brine Shrimp)

Starting off w/ the basics....say:
-2 Ceriths
-2 Nass
-2 Nerites
-2 Blue or Red Legged Hermits
-Some extra shells.
beer and nacho's?