29gal BUILD


Yes....the diatom AND GHA bloom....just gotta wait it out and then the chaeto will take care of the rest....
I found an AquaClear 110 on ebay for like $50 so thats on its way, getting the chaeto for free next weekend. I picked up a 27w CFL (equals 100w) but my Home Depot only had 2 models of clip on lights, and they were only rated to 60w (100w would be a stretch) so Ill haveta keep looking around.
Also, picked up the Coralife 10w 50/50 mini-compacts for my 10g QT. Should help w/ the temp swings, clowns seem to enjoy the different light, and now i can keep some frags in there if id like :)


Alright yesterday tested my 10g QT (w/ two juv clowns)....ammonia and nitrite were at about 1.0 so I did a 4gal water change, waited about 9hrs and tested again -they had only alil. I wasn't able to test this morning before work (was at the hospital), but I have 1 of 2 options....
1) do another water change (how much?)
2) add some "prime" which detoxifies ammonia, trites, and trates.
Clowns seem to be doing great -o/w one still doesn't eat
Much but is very active


Active Member
Personally........ another water change, 10% and all a couple of drops of PRIME. Keep one thing in mind, PRIME is more of a preventive or to use in emergencies only or if one uses tap. Try no to make PRIME a habbit. JMO


I was just worried that even after a 40% change it didn't drop much -I I will recheck in afew hrs when I get home. I know not to reply on prime but I know in emgetencies is can be used to detox ammonia and nitrates. Like I said ammonia and nitrite were about 1.0, I just want it to continue going up in a 10g


Active Member
you stated you were at the hospital, work there or patient?
With you QT being rather small, You might have to do atleast 10% more often like 2 twice a week. Once it goes down and stays down, 1X a week


My 93yr old gma was given 3-14days (on Wednesday) alright I'll plan like 10% 2x week. I know any ammonia is bad, but say 0.5 isn't all that stressful is it? Also any tips on getting one of my clowns in there to eat more? Ones a pig, but the other one seems almost scared of food lol he'll swim at it, then stop and swim away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/80#post_3417658
My 93yr old gma was given 3-14days (on Wednesday) alright I'll plan like 10% 2x week. I know any ammonia is bad, but say 0.5 isn't all that stressful is it? Also any tips on getting one of my clowns in there to eat more? Ones a pig, but the other one seems almost scared of food lol he'll swim at it, then stop and swim away.
Sorry to read about your Grandmother. you just have to keep an eye on it. After this new change, just keep an eye on it. You might be okay after this one.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/80#post_3417658
My 93yr old gma was given 3-14days (on Wednesday) alright I'll plan like 10% 2x week. I know any ammonia is bad, but say 0.5 isn't all that stressful is it? Also any tips on getting one of my clowns in there to eat more? Ones a pig, but the other one seems almost scared of food lol he'll swim at it, then stop and swim away.
Sorry to hear. At least you have time to prepare and say goodbye. I wish I had that chance with a couple of my loved ones.


Yea I kinda had a chance...she was in an assisted living center recovering from a cracked spine (from a fall several months prior) and I saw her there last week and she was fine. The next morning I guess she had a seizure (turns out there was old blood/bleeding in her brain from the fall) they did surgery to relieve the pressure but it was too late...she lost use of her right arm, and all throat muscles (can't speak, swallow, etc) meaning she can't eat or drink bc it'll go into her lungs...and her living will specifically states no feeding tubes etc so were respecting that. It's been almost 10 data now without food, and the IVs for fluid etc were taken off 2 days ago....as of this morning when I was there she was going into heart failure, and we couldn't get her to wake up so it's been rough with this all being so sudden and now having to watch her like this.....


I apologize that last post was nothing fish related...was just venting. Will be doing a water change shortly. And suggestions regarding my picky/scared to eat clown?


Well-Known Member
No, it's good to vent, even if it is on here. I vent on here sometimes and it makes me feel better. We're all human, and we... any of us need to be able to talk about what we are feeling and how we are doing. It's fine. I'm sorry that your family has to go through that. It was tough when my grandmother died of multiple cancers and organ failures, but you have to know that she willsoon not be in any more pain.
As far as your clownfish - Just keep watching him. Feed some rinsed frozen foods like mysis and brine shrimp. If you can't get em' to eat that at all, then you may have to turn to feeding live enriched brine mixed with frozen to ween him into feeding. If he gets hungry enough, he will eat!


Active Member
Hi again. Once again sorry about your gma.... Like snake, I too wish that I could share a few more days with my grandparents. I miss them. About your Grandmother, sounds like she had a cerebral hemorage, which if not caught quickly can be deadly. I do believe however that when you are there she does realize you are there. I believe this firmly. Continue to talk to her and hold her hand.
Okay about your clown critter, sounds from experience, you got yourself a wild caught clown. I have one and had to train her to eat frozen. It sucked!! Lol..... I hand fed this lil piece of joy for 3 weeks. I would take a piece of mysis and entise her to eat it until she got mad enough to rip it from my fingers. Today she is being hosted by my hammer coral and feeds the hammer before she eats. Kind of odd but I named her Marley, she's a rasta clown Lol.... It takes alot of patients, as with many things in this hobby. Feed lightly maybe with a turkey baster, soak in garlic and let the mysis warm up before you try to feed. JMO and E


I guess the Lil bugger (clown) was listening to our convo -just fed them, warmed m. Shrmp through a turkey baster (like I have been for a week) and while the o/w didn't go as crazy as the b/w it def ate alot more than usual - guess it finally go hungry lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/80#post_3417709
I guess the Lil bugger (clown) was listening to our convo -just fed them, warmed m. Shrmp through a turkey baster (like I have been for a week) and while the o/w didn't go as crazy as the b/w it def ate alot more than usual - guess it finally go hungry lol
Good to hear that!


Active Member
Wow, having problems posting thiss eve....
Sounds like your Grandmother suffered from a cerebral hemorage, deadly if not caught in time. I do however believe that you grandma knows your there. Talk to her, hold her hand.
About your clown... I believe you have yourself a wold caught clown. I have one as well and too had to teach her to eat frozen. I would soak my food in garlic and take a piece out and hand feed the fish. I would dangle it in front of her face until she got fed up and grabbed it out of pissiness. Now she eats and feeds her Hammer coral. If I can do it anyone can. be patient, as this hobby require alot of that stuff...


Active Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/80#post_3417709
I guess the Lil bugger (clown) was listening to our convo -just fed them, warmed m. Shrmp through a turkey baster (like I have been for a week) and while the o/w didn't go as crazy as the b/w it def ate alot more than usual - guess it finally go hungry lol
MWAHAHAHA................ great to hear, uhm..... read!!


Alright did another 10% change on the QT and ammonia is still at 0.5 and nitrite at 1.0 -guess I'll just leave it alone and keep an eye on it.


Active Member
A few questions here, How much do you feed, How often and how do you do your water changes, and how much flowa,and just what kind of filter do you have? Your ammonis shouldn't be that high.