Hi again. Once again sorry about your gma.... Like snake, I too wish that I could share a few more days with my grandparents. I miss them. About your Grandmother, sounds like she had a cerebral hemorage, which if not caught quickly can be deadly. I do believe however that when you are there she does realize you are there. I believe this firmly. Continue to talk to her and hold her hand.
Okay about your clown critter, sounds from experience, you got yourself a wild caught clown. I have one and had to train her to eat frozen. It sucked!! Lol..... I hand fed this lil piece of joy for 3 weeks. I would take a piece of mysis and entise her to eat it until she got mad enough to rip it from my fingers. Today she is being hosted by my hammer coral and feeds the hammer before she eats. Kind of odd but I named her Marley, she's a rasta clown Lol.... It takes alot of patients, as with many things in this hobby. Feed lightly maybe with a turkey baster, soak in garlic and let the mysis warm up before you try to feed. JMO and E