Originally Posted by
DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/120#post_3422951
Anyways back to the 29g. Well the pair of clowns will move over to the DT in afew days wohhooo! Now time for the Next decision......what shall the next fish be?!?! Maybe goby, blenny, chromis, hawkfish? Any thoughts/personal preferences?( for reef safe)
Also, when painting the outside glass black, can any paint work? (that can still be removed w/ a razor if needed)
I wouldn't do a hawkfish next, do that more towards the end so that other fish can set up their territory first. It will help with aggression, and keep the hawkfish in line. Blenny, I'd wait until the tank mature a little more. Go with the chromis or the goby. I haven't read through your entire thread (sorry, I'm on my phone), so I'm not sure on what goby you're thinking of or if you have a set stocklist or your just still putting it together.
Can't help you on paint, I never remember which one is the right one to buy. I have always just taped black felt to the back of my tanks, this way, if I want to change the color, I can.