29gal BUILD


Well-Known Member
$65 for the tank
$80 for the canister filter
$125+ for the solid oak stand
$150 for other odds and ends.


Good guesses so far -any other guesses reference post #118? I will post what I paid later today...let's just say it was a pretty sweet deal


Snake I know I know....but only afew ppl played along. Anywho....
I paid: NOTHING!!!
Haha yeah I'm seriously, I paid ZERO!!! It was a friends parents' tank that they wanted gone, like if I didn't want it it was just going on the curb. Only stipulation was I needed to "take everything" haha not a problem! It's a beautiful tank and everything with it. Prob gonna breed some Angels in there for now bc I don't have the $$$/experience/time to start up another SW but def eventually :)


Well-Known Member
That's a great deal. I probably should have guessed that. lol
Angels will be sweet. Get that pH right and they'll keep forever. Maybe later you could post a pic with it all set up and fish in there. :D


Active Member

Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/120#post_3422616
Snake I know I know....but only afew ppl played along. Anywho....
I paid: NOTHING!!!

Haha yeah I'm seriously, I paid ZERO!!! It was a friends parents' tank that they wanted gone, like if I didn't want it it was just going on the curb. Only stipulation was I needed to "take everything" haha not a problem! It's a beautiful tank and everything with it. Prob gonna breed some Angels in there for now bc I don't have the $$$/experience/time to start up another SW but def eventually :)


Anyways back to the 29g. Well the pair of clowns will move over to the DT in afew days wohhooo! Now time for the Next decision......what shall the next fish be?!?! Maybe goby, blenny, chromis, hawkfish? Any thoughts/personal preferences?( for reef safe)
Also, when painting the outside glass black, can any paint work? (that can still be removed w/ a razor if needed)


Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/120#post_3422951
Anyways back to the 29g. Well the pair of clowns will move over to the DT in afew days wohhooo! Now time for the Next decision......what shall the next fish be?!?! Maybe goby, blenny, chromis, hawkfish? Any thoughts/personal preferences?( for reef safe)
Also, when painting the outside glass black, can any paint work? (that can still be removed w/ a razor if needed)
I wouldn't do a hawkfish next, do that more towards the end so that other fish can set up their territory first. It will help with aggression, and keep the hawkfish in line. Blenny, I'd wait until the tank mature a little more. Go with the chromis or the goby. I haven't read through your entire thread (sorry, I'm on my phone), so I'm not sure on what goby you're thinking of or if you have a set stocklist or your just still putting it together.
Can't help you on paint, I never remember which one is the right one to buy. I have always just taped black felt to the back of my tanks, this way, if I want to change the color, I can.


Active Member
Krylon paint seems to be the choice of most folks. Should have done this first though, you don't want any spray paint fumes getting in the tank. I am not sure if they sell a variation that can be brushed or rolled on.


Hmmm so there's no regular (can) paint? Had I known it w/ spray paint I would have lol. I have a black backing on my DT -I can always just tall the 10g qt empty into buckets, spray, and refill


Well-Known Member
I spray most of the back of my tanks with a regular $1 can of black spray paint before I set it up. Krylon is great if you have the money. lol. I've gotten by with black spray paint for years.


Well-Known Member
btw, one can of $1 spray paint is about enough for a 20g tank. So, more then that, and you have to buy more. ... about a 24x16 square inch area = 1 can of spray paint. Just FYI.


Alright well the 35gal Hex has been painted on 3 sides, as well as the 10gal QT (all sides except front). I lost my O/W Clown after 3 1/2 weeks in QT, actually the day I was going to move him to the DT. Based on others' thoughts, I think he had Brook. However the B/W clown is doing great, no signs of it, and is having a blast in the DT. I'll try to pick up a new friend for him asap. I also picked up a very nice (in my opinion) bangaii cardinal to go in the QT. Picture later if you'd like :)
Alright so a thought... (just to verify info)..... I now have a beautiful EMPTY 35gal hex ready to go.... for a FOWLR If I got ALL established LR, how long do you think it would be until I could start adding Fish? Im really debating starting this one up, or just going something nice and simple freshwater system. The biggest thing is the waiting of cycling - though I completely understand its necessary. I also have a second 10gal tank (currently random FW) that could be used as a QT.


Alright so today I picked up another ~20 lbs of LR (at $2/lb) to add to the HOB fuge, some more for the DT, and the extra for QT (until i have to medicate). Its established with lots of growth/coloration/copepods/etc. Also picked up a decent sized ball of cheato and a frag of xenia - both the cheato and frag were free :) Attached the xenia to a piece of LR w/ thread. In about a week or so it should attach itself. Its pretty much completely closed in the pic due to being moved around, but was starting to open up/pulse. Pics below as well as the Bangaii Cardinal who wanted his picture taken...

Its all in my DT at the moment to keep it submerged w/ good flow - I will separate it out / re-aquascape my DT in the next few days.



Well-Known Member
A 35g hex tank is my favorite freshwater planted tank ever. A small Metal Halide pendant and a single amazon sword with some Anubias and bananna plants would look pretty awesome. Throw in some guppies or neon tetras and you're all set. :D I've always had pH problems in Hex tanks due to the lack of O2 for being so tall.
Anyways, to each his own. That fish is looking good and I'm sure the xenia will do very well.


Thanks snake :) ALso, I should get the chance to meet Brett from "Tanked" on friday. He'll be at a LFS near me (actaully worked for the same owners at a sister store for 2 years) so it should be a good time :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats. I'm sure it will be exciting for you. I'de be interested in meeting Dr. Charles Delbeek, Anthony Calfo or Julian Sprung - true pioneers. :D