29gal BUILD


its a 10gal QT, standard filter (dont remember, currently at work) with a aquaclear 20 power head (i think 165gph).
Its housing 2 juvenile clowns (inch or just under each) feeding 2x/day. I'll plan on feeding smaller amounts.
The QT was set new only acouple days prior to the fish, so it might be still cycling. As of today the clowns have been in there for 1 week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/80#post_3417815
its a 10gal QT, standard filter (dont remember, currently at work) with a aquaclear 20 power head (i think 165gph).
Its housing 2 juvenile clowns (inch or just under each) feeding 2x/day. I'll plan on feeding smaller amounts.
The QT was set new only acouple days prior to the fish, so it might be still cycling. As of today the clowns have been in there for 1 week.
that was one of my concerns... feed less frequent. You will have to allow the tank to cycle through. What are your nitrites? Check when you get home.


Yup that was my thoughts as well. I'll check the nitrates when I get home, afew days ago they were At about 5


Results are in on the 10g QT:
Temp: 74
PH: 8.6 (lights have been on all day)
Saltinity: 1.024
Ammonia: 0.5
Nitrite: 1.0
Nitrate: 5 (ish)


...and one of my ballast on my coralife 65w HO just went out. Not the bulb- checked. Was flickering before, then took like 5-10mins to start, now completely shot. Guess that's what I get for a $35 CL posting. Oh well, time to order a new one.


Active Member
that nitrite is to high.... keep an eye on your two juvies. The Nitrites are pretty harmful to your fish as is the ammonia. Your pretty much cycling with fish (rather frowned upon) but doable SSSHHHH


Yes I do know about cycling. It was a last minute decision to convert one of my 10g FW tanks into a QT (even tho thhese are the first fish, dont want to risk ich, etc) and thus I had to gut it and start from scratch. Several ppl had posted I'd be fine and it was better to start a QT late than risk my DT (plus there are alot of people that don't even bother with a QT in the first place). It was also suggested that I add some filter media from my DT to "jump start" however this added to many nutrients in the first place. Also prob fed alil heavy due to one of the clowns deciding it wanted to be a picky eater. I knew I'd be having to do frequent water changes and understand that. I go enough new SW to make 10-50% changes daily if needed. Was just trying to get additional input from members.


Well-Known Member
Well, yah never feed heavy in a QT tank you just set up. You never use really, really, old filter media. You use freshly used one week old filter media to start it. If there is leftover food or waste building up on the bottom of the QT, siphon it out with an airline tube. Check your salinity every day to make sure you are keeping it constant. Above all, read the QT tanks info in the archive in the New Hobbyist section of the forums.


Alright, even though I already bought a AquaClear110 to modify as a HOB Fuge Im scratching that build; at least for the time being as I already ordered the AC110 off ebay. Instead I found a HOB Fuge from a local reefer in my area which should work MUCH better. It actually holds an additional 5gals of water (i measured lol) and therefore will up the overall volume in my DT by 20%. Additionally it has a 'built-in' protein skimmer. I have a good 8-9in section to hold rubble/cheato (roughly 9 L x 2 W x 12 H). Got it all cleaned out, now I get need to pick up a small pump to put in it and we are good to go.
Pic might be alil hard to tell....


Also.... QT is doing better - Ammonia is almost completely gone, Nitrite is still alittle high. Clowns seem to be doing great, and both are eating regularly now.


Alright, DT is doing well...
Temp: 76.7
Ph: 7.4 (low due to lights being off for afew days)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 15-20 (ending algae bloom, getting cheato soon)
I should have the HoB 5g fuge setup this weekend. My question is should I skip my 3g water change since I will already be adding 5gals to the system????


Well-Known Member
Yeah, adding 5g of water is like doing a 5g water change. It dilutes the water that you already have in there. lol. Make sure that your salinity match in your display and in the new water.


Alright so this has nothing to do with my 29gal Build...BUT is pretty sweet:
Below is a picture of what I "picked up today" as well as some more "detailed info". EVERYTHING was in AMAZING/LIKE-NEW Condition:

-35 gallon Hexagon Tank
-Solid Oak Stand
-Standard hood/light fixture
-BRAND NEW Fluval 204 (w/ all the fixings: 2 new bags of carbon, 2 new/unopened sets of bio-rings, etc)
-Second brand new "guts" of the Fluval 204 (3 stage chamber, sponge holder, etc) basically a second set of everything that goes IN the canister
-4 new fluval foam sponges
-22oz Activated Carbon
-20 ft Airline tubing
-"Wardley" Master Professional water test lab
-Hagen Phosphate Test
-Approx. 500 grams Kent Marine Phosphate Sponge
-misc. chemicals
-New Magnetic Cleaner
-Algae brush
-multiple nets
-Automatic Feeder
-Approx 40 lbs gravel / nice stone / lots of plastic plants
-A Glass Bowl (i would guess 1-2 gal "goldfish bowl) w/ glass lid that has a air-pump/stone connected
-5 containers of misc. food
-Two 5gal buckets
This is not at all a 'sales pitch', etc - In no way am i thinking of selling ANY of this lol.....
But were gonna play a little game...... Guess how much I paid for it ALL / what the retail cost would be...
(I will post the amount later tonight-ish)