29gal BUILD


Haha so I take it i got the basics covered??? Nachos and beer are a must as well :)
I found a clamp on light unit for $9 at walmart =D which will support up to a 13w CFL. Looking at regular bulbs (why not do this the cheapest way) I can get a 13w CfL equal to 60w and 825 lumens for like $3 -would this be enough light for the refug (chaeto) on a 12-14hr cycle ???? The clamp on light unit could be positioned quite close to the refug.


Well-Known Member
For better light penetration in the fuge, I would have chosen a slightly more intense bulb... a 23 or 42 watt CFL would have done well. For an algae scrubber I use a 23 watt CFL, and for culturing phyto I use a 13w CFL.


The light unit is only rated up to a 13w CFL, and I haven't gotten a bulb yet that's why I was asking. My original thought was a coralife 10w mini compact 50/50 ...better choice? Or a different type of coralife mini compact?


Well-Known Member
Eh. A clip on lamp always had better output for me.
They sell some awesome clip on lamps at Home Depot for about $7, and you can almost put any bulb you want in it. Pic:


Snake: alright I'll check out HD and get a higher watt CFL
Traveler: thx :) glad to have ya along, feedback/suggestions always welcome :)


Active Member
fuge looks great! I would go with Snake on this, use the clip light. Works great and inexpensive. You really don't need anything great for the refugium.


lll go w/ the higher output Lamp and bulb. Shopping will be tomorrow :) and the pair of clowns will be coming home to the QT :)
I found this silicon in the garage, would it be aquarium-safe??? (sry kinda blurry)


Well-Known Member
I can't really tell, and I have never used that silicone before, however if it does not say anything about being anti-microbial or mold and mildew resistant you should be fine. When in doubt, use something you know is safe.


Alright So I was able to pick up some of the items yesterday. Got start of the CUC:
-2 Ceriths
-2 Nass
-2 Nerites
-2 Red Legged Hermits
-Some extra shells.
Additionally, I got the first of the FISH :) That are currently doing great in the QT
-Fancy Vivid Oscellaris Clown (Orange/White)
-Oscellaris Clown (Black/White)
Both are very small, orange/white is slightly bigger and are having no problems yet - starting to swim together :) I will try to get some pics when the lights come back on.
However, I was not able to get the AC 110 for the Refug..... they were all out of the 110's, had 70's but rather go w/ the larger size. So I'll try to get that asap. Additionally, afew random items were out of stock (had a huge sale 2 weeks ago and apparently havent fully restocked)


Thx nano :) couldn't get a good pic bc the Lil guys don't stay still long enough so I hadta do a vid lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by DB9181 http:///t/387567/29gal-build/60#post_3415054
lll go w/ the higher output Lamp and bulb. Shopping will be tomorrow :) and the pair of clowns will be coming home to the QT :)
I found this silicon in the garage, would it be aquarium-safe??? (sry kinda blurry)

I would not use this. Here is an excerpt from the MSDS sheet.
Chemical Stability: Stable at normal conditions
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
Incompatabilities: Polymerized by contact with moisture. Acetic acid liberated.
Conditions to Avoid: Exposure to moisture.



I would not use this. Here is an excerpt from the MSDS sheet.
Chemical Stability: Stable at normal conditions
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
Incompatabilities: Polymerized by contact with moisture. Acetic acid liberated.
Conditions to Avoid: Exposure to moisture.

Thx spanko, really appreciate it. I'll will pick up some from my LFS


Alright were alil over 3 weeks into the 29g DT...definitely got an algae bloom of brown algae and green hair algae:

As well as GHA on the glass....

Nitrates have been steady at about 20.... I know its high but its been 'steady' -hoping the bloom will starve itself out. I will also reduce the amount/time of lighting (since only CUC are in there). Ill be getting my HOB Refug w/ chaeto going in about 10 days (next weekend). Any other tips?
The O/W and B/W clowns are doing great in QT, very active - B/W is a total pig, O/W is only eating alittle right now seems almost scared of the food but still is very active. Will give him some more time to get used to it :)