3 ft catshark, free to good home !


I need to get rid of my 3 ft brownbanded catshark. we hatched him from an egg,yes it is a male. hatched 4-1-2004. He eats silversides,smelts,and krill or uncooked shrimp.Need a tank at least 220 gallons or better. will eat small eels,or any other small fish or crab.Never got sick or had any diseases. Very healthy shark. I want to change this tank to reef so the shark must go. located in western PA.
willing to travel short distance,or arrangements could be made to meet somewhere in the middle of distance.
(the last picture is his baby picture)



wow! well I can't get em' but could you post a pic? I'm sure it would help your marketing as well! I would like to see him


I can probably wait.There`s no hurry unless someone wants him immediately.
I`d like to get him out soon though.
he`s in a 220 tank now.


Active Member
if my good old pal bella doesnt take him i can take him if you need to get rid of him soon.. im pretty close to you and have a grey bamboo thats about 2 feet and a 300 gallon setup..we wont argue i promise, we would both give him a great home, but if you can wait for bella she can do it if need be since she doeesnt have one yet and i do!


Active Member
I would really like to have him for my husband, but if you would rather give him to psusocr1 now, there would be no hard feelings, here, I am sure he would also give him a great home. My husband said he would have hard feeling, lol, but hes just kidding, but he said the only reason he agreed to set up this 380 is for a shark, but he can always get another one, lol, men!!!!!!


Bella of course has 1st dibs. I`d like to hold it for them.
But if they dont want it for any reason then psusocr1 will be next in line.
If I need to get rid of him sooner then we`ll discuss it then.
I can probably hold it though.
Thanks. I didnt think i`d get any offers.this is great !
Mistergn10, I would be afraid to ship him because of his size.
he would have to be in about 30-40 gallons of water.
it would be like 300lbs.


Active Member
Thanks, I will let you know when we can get him. I have a very long snowflake eel, I don't think he will be able to eat him. What are your thoughts on this, hes deffently not small, plus, they will both have plenty of room in the tank, and I made lots of huge rocks with huge pvc tubes in them for them to hide in, if they wanted to.


If he can fit it in his mouth he will eat it.
the eel has to be 3 ft long and more than
2" thick or he will be able to eat it.
I had an eel that size and it found a way out.
When I tried to replace it,the new eel wasn`t
big enough and he got it.
I`d be very careful about what is in with this shark.
he can be very aggressive.


Active Member
My husband is going to be very mad, but if that is the case, I would like to send him to live with PSUSOCR, I know he would have a great home there. I will just have to hatch one from egg, so he is smaller at first, and gets to know the other fish. I am sorry, I can't take the chance he will eat my eel. Is this ok with you?


That will be ok. I know how I felt when he ate the replacement eel.
my shark and old eel grew up together and were pretty much the same size.
psusocr1 , your turn. you still in ?


Active Member
Did your original eel die, or did the shark eat him? I know PSUSOCR will still want him, hes out of town till the 7th, can you wait till then?


I can wait.
The original eel found an opening in the top where the wires went through for the powerheads. slipped out in the middle of the night.
That was when I first set this tank up. Now its completely sealed.
NO more escapee`s