$5.50 , was I robbed?


Active Member
i know what you mean, i have a bunch of like, orangy peach colors from my hammers, fox corals, and red shrooms, and brown zoos. but my lfs NEVER has any zoos, let alone brightly colored ones. now that i think about it, i dont even think ive seen a zoo there, ever


Originally Posted by Crox
Do you think $25 for this piece is a good deal?
Yes I would have gone 25 on that as well I tri to figure % apeace for shrooms and 1 each for zoo When I look at the high end i would go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by elvictre
Come to NY and those frags are $20....lol
Could you get me a frag like that for $20? Where in LI are you?


Active Member
at 2 lfs's that i go to the frags are 4.99-5.99
i got
super coloredgreen star polyps 5.99
1 red 1 purple shroom attached to a nice chunk of live rock 4.99
2 nice frags of zoos FREE
i got so much other stuff from the frag tank too
if i buy stuff from them and i ask for a frag they give it to me for FREE


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
I guess I just wanted a second opinion. I was at the counter with the shop owner and he just offered me a small frag with these two colors on it for 5.50. When I got home with my little plastic bag and floated it in the tank, my wife walks over and says "whats that thing?" I explained it was a zoanthid(spelling) collony and that they are very pretty in big groups. Of course she asked me how much and then rattled off the "what a rip off" part.
I can't wait to show her this thread.... :jumping:
Here in Iowa, my LFS charges about $25.00 - $28.00 for something that size.
If your wife bitches too much, tell her take all the frags from the first batch and you have doubled your money right off the top. Anything else then is pure gravy.
Denise M. aka financial guru



Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
I "once" (once being the key word here) paid $85 for a golfball sized rock with 15-20 "pinhead" sized bright blue polyps from an "auction site"...(looked bigger in the picture
With shipping came to $125...Lasted about a week before it shriveled up and died....

Never did tell the wife... :scared:
Don't you know we wives ALWAYS know... we just don't let you know we know. How else do we get away with our own "waste of money" items?

Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
Don't you know we wives ALWAYS know... we just don't let you know we know. How else do we get away with our own "waste of money" items?

Denise M.


Looks at fish tank..............
Looks at wife's shoe collection..........
Looks at 5.50 zoo frag.............
Looks at 55.00 brown sandals with 2" heel...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill

Looks at fish tank..............
Looks at wife's shoe collection..........
Looks at 5.50 zoo frag.............
Looks at 55.00 brown sandals with 2" heel...........

My fetish isn't shoes.... it is diamonds.

As for the Corvettes - we won't EVEN go there. I keep telling him I'm going to trade a Corvette in for a Jaguar. That way, I can wear the animal fur, the Jaguar and then I have to find an ass to pay for it all. Unfortunately in my family... I am the ass that pays for it all.

Denise M.


Look what I picked up for $5.44, ha!

There are small heads all over this side, my phone could not pic them up.

this piece is funny, 2 heads attached to the top of a open clam shell(i guess) looks like a smiling frog!

Starting to open up!


Yea I would have bought that one as well. the new fish guy at our ***** has a200 gal reff over run with xeina he just sold me two huge peaces for $15.00


New Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
indeed, even if it was a rip, which im not saying it is...but its only $5, which once it does start to spread you will be able to trade or sell of and make that $5 no problem
My LFS usually carry frags for 15 or so...I get nice sized colonies(100+polyps) online though for around $20...but then you have shipping..so it just depends on what you want to pay...you'll get your moneys worth once it spreads though..your wife will be more than pleased after you see the rocks covered in them!
