5 Jawfish!!!


Active Member
Oh lord i am so mad at that stupid tropical doctor place. They sent me 5 jawfish!!!
:mad: :mad: !!! I have a 37 gal with a dsb that had 2 pepperment shrimp recently died and so i had an ammonia spike of about 1.


Use Prime by Seachem or Ammo Lock by Aquarium Pharmasuticals to take care of the ammonia spike. Maybe you can trade or sell the extra jawfish to your LFS. Good Luck.


Active Member
Hey great news! I havent seen any signs of aggression yet. I even think four of em have paired up and the fifth one is either very lonely or having emotional affairs. :scared:


You could have soap opera going on here, with the lonely one sneeking around having affairs with some of the others.
Stay tuned. :thinking:


Active Member
So u got 4 for free. Cool! I'd take the other 4 to a LFS and get a credit to go towards something else u need.


Active Member
i really really dont want my jawfish to go there, i really dont. If i see a problem i will remove one or more but at the moment no prob and of course jawfish are my favorite besides Coelacanth's. So i believe i will try and keep em. Besides im rich.
:hilarious :hilarious
Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahah oh my gosh i make myself laugh sometimes oh my goodnes i really am fu... hahahahhahahahahahahahahahha...nn.....hahahahhahhahah...y... ahahahahahahahhahahah
:hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nomad
You could have soap opera going on here, with the lonely one sneeking around having affairs with some of the others.
Stay tuned. :thinking:


Active Member
no christine its not mr. jawfish the fish its mr.jawfish the evil robot bent on taking over the world! :scared: :scared:


Active Member
You could try selling them on the classified board on this site.
If you are wiling to ship them, I might buy a couple from you.
What type are they?
(insert predictable comment here about a quarantine tank being a neccesity... It really is not a good idea to put fish directly into your main tank)
Watch them and make sure that they all are getting enough to eat. They can be very shy and sometimes starve themselves.


Active Member
make sure to keep the emotionally challenged jawfish away from

, we wouldnt a suicide in there..after all the other four "swingers" are having an orgy in there, he must be the gay one...
footnote:to any homosexual readers, there no offense intended, merely a joke.


Active Member
maybe he is the only strait one?
wait a minute........ i jsut realized taht i am partaking in a thread that discusses the affairs and relationships of fish.......oh god my girlfriend is right..... im so freakin wierd......dont worry guys, i wouldnt change it for the world

darth tang

Active Member
Why does the single jawfish have to be gay? Maybe the other four are the gay ones and the single fish is straight?


Active Member
ok ok i wasnt being completely serious here, did you review my footnote? i mean really dont make an issue of this please..


Active Member
they are are aurifrons . I do not believe a quarintine is needed since they all were put in the same bag to ship. Also i wont be adding any other fish for months.


Active Member
Oh and I have like a cabinet full of papers bout jawfish care, cause my tank was almost completely designed to house em.
Oh and good news. everyone that i have seen is looking good and i know at least two have made a hole.