54 gallon bowfront corner mixed reef profile


Johnny I am having major issues with powerhead placement. How do you have your powerheads setup? I either get to much flow in 1 spot or not enough flow in another or it blows my sand everywhere. How do you have yours setup?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Neowind
Johnny I am having major issues with powerhead placement. How do you have your powerheads setup? I either get to much flow in 1 spot or not enough flow in another or it blows my sand everywhere. How do you have yours setup?

I use no powerheads for circulation on any tank. On the 54 all I have is the MAG 9.5 return going through a SCWD to each side of the tank. To be honest, it's just a matter of fidelling until you get it right. On top of the SCWDs, I use a Sea-Swirl on my sps system, as I don't like the continuous unidirectional flow put out by powerheads. Possibly you could look into a wavemaking device to switch your powerheads on and off...


New Member
I have a 30 gallon oceanic cube and want to upgrade to a 54 corner tank like yours. Right now I have a 250 mh 20k pendant on it. Do you think that would be enough light?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
helbert it depends on what you'll be keeping in your 54. If you are keeping mainly what I have, along the lines of softies and lps, you'll be fine, but if you're going for primarily sps I'd have a problem with one halide on such a large system. Hope that helps...


Love the tanks! Make sure you keep us up to date when you start your dream tank! I love the zoos and ricordea. I just got my first zoos (pic here) and plan on getting some ricordea heads next. I love the way the look in a tank. The more I look at your pics the more I like SPS. They won't work in my 29 gallon I have now, but I'll be getting a house in a couple years and plan on upgrading to atleast a 120!
Where do the zoos do best in your opinion? I currently have mine close to the top of the tank with moderate flow and they seem to be doing good. I only have 130 watts PC though.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Zoos will pretty much be fine anywhere, although the more you blast them with light the more colorful they will become... thanks for the compliments... and it's only a matter of time before any reefer becomes interested in sps:D ...


Great setup!! I have been looking at your old pics of the kitchen nano and finally found this post. My 10g is setup and running with a 20L refug/sump, the refug being about 12g and I was wondering about a kalk drip or Nilsen reactor that might work. My light is 90w powerquad, so I am hoping to have an easy to moderate light corals. Any information would help me out alot. Thanks


your tanks are truly amazing. i love looking at your post. they should be a sticky thread for all the new comers to see what your supossed to do.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks guys...
Liverock sounds great... if you have any questions just ask!
evilss this tank is so low maintenance it receives about 5% of my attention compared to my 65... I feed the fish, add water to the topoff bucket, add kalk to the Nilsen reactor, and water changes every two weeks... That's it! No other additives or maintenance...


Active Member
Your tanks really took my knowledge, and my own tanks, to a level I didn't have a year ago when I got back into this hobby. Your kitchen nano was the catalyst in my own development of my 10g, and a year later I'm running it with a 10g fuge and a lot more knowledge about coral husbandry. Now this this corner reef has me thinking what I am going to do after my 20L gets going. Keep it up, can't wait to see the latest.


Johnny- AMAZING!
Thanks also for replying to someone else's post with the WAMA website. I have been out of the hobby for awhile but am starting back up with a 90g bf. I'm really glad that I stumbled onto this message board. :D