55 gallon reef tank diary, my first tank!


Yeah...he does have some nice cardinals there. I have never really liked them though, not sure why.
I am thinking about maybe getting a six-line wrasse.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
Yeah...he does have some nice cardinals there. I have never really liked them though, not sure why.
I am thinking about maybe getting a six-line wrasse.
six lines are very cool. BUT they can be mean little buggers. I would hold back on it until you get a few other fish to keep him in his place


Originally Posted by matt2364
I got everything off of craigslist. It initially came with a 48'' lifereef protein skimmer, but I ended up selling it. In the process of looking for a smaller skimmer that will fit in my stand.
What does everyone think about the rock formation? Any suggestions? I am not 100% happy with it right now, I feel like it is too cluttered or forced.
MaTT B, you live very close to me :) I live on 16th avenue, be OSU campus. Once I get my tank going maybe we could trade frags or something.

OSU as in Oklahoma State University? If so, glad to know someone else in Oklahoma!!!!


Picture of Scopus and the new cleaner shrimp. They seem to be getting along rather nicely.

Pic of the pipeorgan.


Originally Posted by stormd
hey scsdlh34 where at in ok are u i live near lawton
Edmond - I am starting a 55 gallon reef tank - I have just about all the equipment bought. I lack the T5 lighting unit I am going to buy. Your tank looks great! Can't wait to get mine setup.


I really like the rockwork in your tank, good work! Is that a 55 or 75? Just a suggestion, black backgrounds look really nice, IMO.


yea me ether i was told it was a 90 and turnd out to be a 120 got stand ocenica tank and rock for 300


Just bought a huge coral branded shrimp and a six headed frog spawn! I will post pics later today sometime.


Here is a picture of the coral branded shrimp. He is about to go bye-bye though because he keeps nipping at my tang.

The frogspawn is in the process of dying so I will post a picture if it recovers.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
Here is a picture of the coral branded shrimp. He is about to go bye-bye though because he keeps nipping at my tang.

The frogspawn is in the process of dying so I will post a picture if it recovers.
if your frog dose not make it I have some frags of mine that are pretty good size I am looking to trade


Thanks for the offer MattB. At this time I do not have any frags to trade. I have a very limited amount of corals, this frogspawn was my first big purchase. I got it at Phishy Business.
I have been upgrading a lot of my equpiement and do not have enough cash to get a lot of corals at this point. I would definitely like to trade frags with you in the future though once I get some corals that are big enough to frag.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
Thanks for the offer MattB. At this time I do not have any frags to trade. I have a very limited amount of corals, this frogspawn was my first big purchase. I got it at Phishy Business.
I have been upgrading a lot of my equpiement and do not have enough cash to get a lot of corals at this point. I would definitely like to trade frags with you in the future though once I get some corals that are big enough to frag.
so do you no why t he frog is not doing well???


nope, not sure at the moment.
When I bought him there were six heads. The next morning one of the heads had receded. I went out and bought some bone cutters and cut the head off. It was doing very well for a day or two and then the heads started to recead again. I am guessing that the brown ick or whatever it is has spread to the rest of the heads because I did not cut the first head off in time.
That is just my guess...I am taking it back to Phishy business tomorrow and he is going to look at it and test the water parameters and let me know if I can get a new one.


I just got my new Poseidon Titanium PS4 pump hooked up today! It is absolutely amazing, I can not even hear it if I put my ear up to it! It barely even moves, seriously, it is very difficult to tell if the pump is even on!

Soooo exited!
Here are some new tank pictures!
FULL tank shot, notice the new painted overflow box and PVC returns. When the halides are off you cannot even see the overflow box from more than 7-8 ft. away. Turned out way better than I could have imagined. I also just got done hanging the light.

Here is a picture of my decorator crab. Last night he climbed onto a snail and road him all the way to the top! (picture is sideways btw).


Frogspawn was going down hill very quickly so I took it back to Phishy Business. He let me return it without a fight and gave me instore credit so I purchased this new plate coral! I just put him in the tank in the this picture so he is still pretty small. Will post a picture when he expands all the way!