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no, I did not sand it first. Is that what people typically do? I have heard people usually just spray it on and that is it. Typically people probably spray it on before it has been in the water though. I did not find out about the krylon paint until my system had up and running for a few months. I wiped the pvc off, but there must have been some stuff on the pipes that did not allow the paint to cure correctly.
I soacked my overflow box in vinager before I painted it, that must have been the trick. The pvc pipe was just too awkward to fit into a bucket of vinager.
Do you think the flaking will have any negative effects on my aquarium and its inhabitants? I have heard that is is 100% safe to use in saltwater aquariums, but I am not sure if that apply's when improperly used.
sanding gives it a better surface to bond to. its not entirely necessary, but it helps ensure better bonding - especially on a smooth uniform surface.
also, when I use it, I make sure that I let it cure for the 7 days before
I put it in the water.
Honestly, I doubt that any flakes that are in your tank would directly hurt the tank, but i wouldn't want any fish to eat the flakes - so I would take out any that you see.