55 gallon reef tank diary, my first tank!


Currently I do not have anything in the canisters filters that are built into my sump. I was wondering what everyone would recommend. I was planning on just doing a phosphate remover and carbon. Any other ideas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
I painted it with krylon fusion paint. It is actually flaking off right now...not quite sure why. The paint has not come off of my overflow box just the pvc. The bottle said it could be used both on acrylic and pvc. There were a couple of people on the forums that recommended it to me and said theirs had been fine for over 2 years. Maybe I did not clean the pvc off enough before painting it...not sure.
Yeah, I've used Krylon fusion also. Love the stuff. Did you happen to lightly sand the pvc first?


no, I did not sand it first. Is that what people typically do? I have heard people usually just spray it on and that is it. Typically people probably spray it on before it has been in the water though. I did not find out about the krylon paint until my system had up and running for a few months. I wiped the pvc off, but there must have been some stuff on the pipes that did not allow the paint to cure correctly.
I soacked my overflow box in vinager before I painted it, that must have been the trick. The pvc pipe was just too awkward to fit into a bucket of vinager.
Do you think the flaking will have any negative effects on my aquarium and its inhabitants? I have heard that is is 100% safe to use in saltwater aquariums, but I am not sure if that apply's when improperly used.


Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
no, I did not sand it first. Is that what people typically do? I have heard people usually just spray it on and that is it. Typically people probably spray it on before it has been in the water though. I did not find out about the krylon paint until my system had up and running for a few months. I wiped the pvc off, but there must have been some stuff on the pipes that did not allow the paint to cure correctly.
I soacked my overflow box in vinager before I painted it, that must have been the trick. The pvc pipe was just too awkward to fit into a bucket of vinager.
Do you think the flaking will have any negative effects on my aquarium and its inhabitants? I have heard that is is 100% safe to use in saltwater aquariums, but I am not sure if that apply's when improperly used.
sanding gives it a better surface to bond to. its not entirely necessary, but it helps ensure better bonding - especially on a smooth uniform surface.
also, when I use it, I make sure that I let it cure for the 7 days before
I put it in the water.
Honestly, I doubt that any flakes that are in your tank would directly hurt the tank, but i wouldn't want any fish to eat the flakes - so I would take out any that you see.


how much did the potters cost?
I got the potters for $53 at my LFS. I would definitely recommend getting one if you get a chance. They are extremely active. Mine swims around all day scanning the rocks for food. Also, it is pretty cool to see them burrow in the sand at night.
i want a dragon sooo bad...
I know! They are so cool looking, too bad they are not reef safe. I guess my tank would not be big enough for one anyways.
Honestly, I doubt that any flakes that are in your tank would directly hurt the tank, but i wouldn't want any fish to eat the flakes - so I would take out any that you see.
Good to hear. I have taken out a few flakes before, but I think most of them get sucked into the overflow box pretty quickly. I only let the paint dry or 24hrs. because I needed to get my pump back up and working. Next time I will have to wait longer I guess. Thanks for the response.


R.I.P. Potters Wrasse. My CB shrimp must have got a hold of him while he was buried in the sand. He was ripped up pretty badly, did not last the night.


As if killing one fish is not enough my CB shrimp has taken another victim. After the CB attacked the wrasse I caught him in a net. Somehow both of his claws came off in the process. Since he was declawed I did not think he could do any damage, I just dumped him back in the tank claws in all. Sometime later in the day, my serpent starfish decided that his claws would make a tasty treat. Although they might have tasted good, I am not sure if they were worth getting impaled over. Here is a few picture of the starfish. He ate the claw and got it stuck inside of him, I tried to pull it out, but it just broke off inside of him. Not sure if he will survive or not. I will keep everyone posted.



Active Member
stars can eat the craziest stuff. I wouldn't worry about it. Every once in a while mine will come out looking like it has a huge tumor... and I know it has eaten something crazy again.
but man... I know or CB ate the wrasse and all... but to de-claw him for it? ouch..

matt b

Active Member
Man that cbs got some bad karma!!!
I think he will re grow them when he molts though. Or maybe I am thinking something else? And my serpent eats my cleaner shrimps molt everytime he molts. The first time I saw my star eating the molt I about had a heart attack cause I have had that shrimp for ever. And you got to hook me up with some pix and how you are setting up that tiger pod culture.


He has some very bad karma. I am thinking about throwing him in OSUAquarist's FOWLR tank when he sets it up this summer and let the eels eat him!
He will definitely re-grow the claws next time he molts, and I will be waiting! I will try to get some pictures up of the tigger pod culture tonight sometime when I get back from class.


Sorry it has been so long since the last update. I have been very busy with work all summer and now that school has started I do not seem to have any more time. Anyways, here is a full tank shot. I have rearranged everything and actually had a base case of ick wipe out all of my fish this summer so I only have one, a yellow tang. The site I ordered from said he was going to be around 1.5'', but ended up being huge. I am currently searching for a new home for him. Let me know if anyone is interested.


Alright, now a few questions. I have had these pink zoo's for about 2 1/2 months now. The first picture you see is when I first got them, now, they look like the second picture. I am not sure why they are dying. I had another rock of zoo's this summer and the same thing happened. I do, however, have a third zoo rock and it has been flourishing. It started with 4-5 zoo's and now has >25. Any ideas?



Here are some pictures of some of the other new corals:

When I first got these mushroom's they covered nearly this whole entire rock. They seem to be getting smaller, do you think these could be too close to the light or anything. In the FT shot they are on the far left.

This is the free haitan anemone that I got off of saltwaterfish.com. He seems to be happy and doing well.

Does anyone know why the mantle of my flame scallop does not light up? I have seen a few other flame scallop's in aquarium stores and the mantle of the scallop always lit up and kinda pulsed. Is this a bad sign that mine is not doing this. He seems to be very active, he moves nearly every night. Sometimes he will stay put for a few days though. I dose the tank with phyto-pheast so he has something to filter feed. Is there anything I can spot feed him?