55 gallon (yes i know its a stretch putting it in the nano)


ok. so finally after ive been planning, writing down prices, etc, im about to get my tank.
heres a stock list for coral, inverts, fish srry about being so vauge i really have no idea what im gonna get:
black/orange? ocellaris clown X2 or 1 maroon clown
McCoskers wrasse
a blenny
a couple gobies
zebra barred dartfish X2
and once tank has aged a while a mandarin or 2
any more ideas? i really like the more colorful fish as u can see
a few cleaner shrimp
emerald crabs X2
bunch o blue leg hermits
sally light foot
a cleaner cuc
and a couple feather dusters
assorted mushrooms (ideas?)
zoos (ideas?)
lps (ideas?)
soft corals (ideas?)
right now im looking into the whole coral deal cuz i really have no idea wut im gonna get yet...


yeah territory huh? sooo i guess add the mandarins, then add the wrasse after things settle down a bit


well yeah ofcourse gonna let things age get ready to take on a mandarin..
they are my favorite fish im not gonna go killin mandarins all day


well... i was really bummed that puffers arent reef safe... at the aquarium i caught one right off the dock named him creampuff he was a northern he got 7" long and as fat as a cow
i really like the oscellarious and maroons but im finding it hard to choose
1. i know that the maroons are pretty mean...
2. id rather get 2 than have them fight all day
3.idk i like firefish/dartfish a LOT.
4. anything you would recommend, personal experiance, just good personality?


Active Member
flame hawks are really cool colored and have GREAT personalities. they just aren't safe with real small shrimp (like peppermint)


Active Member
they might. i've done research cause i planned on having one with my cleaner...if the cleaner is big and in there before the hawk i think it would greatly decrease the odds of it getting eaten.


so im about to order my tank probably tonight/tomorrow
once it comes ill figure out what im doing with the lighting situation... t5 lights:)


yeah the problem is the tank is long not wide 48" long 13" wide... thats why im having so much trouble...