55 gallon (yes i know its a stretch putting it in the nano)


ok so i just got a call from my friend forrest... while he was out diving he found a couple shells encrusted with coraline and......(drumroll) my favorite crab ever: the shameface :)
im picking them up tomorrow and keeping them in a 6 gall till i get my big one set up
the shells are amazing colored!! one of them is a scallop with 1 tiny zoo polyp on the top :)
ill post pics 2moro


k i just picked up the coral and crab. a couple chiton hitched a ride but theyre kinda cool so im keeping them. im getting the 6 gall set up right now


Active Member
hey mma i see u have a mandarin. i rly want one later on. i have a biocube 29 i am going to put a fuge in the back with chaeto. also i got lr from someones tank its been in his tank for 2 1/2 years if i put some pods in my sump and wait a while u think i could have one??


those "things" are shells encrusted over with bryzoan :) or actually to are shells one is rock... i have a couple snails in there too just for the shameface (they eat snails) i just fed him one
troy srry but i dont have a mandarin yet lol :) im gonna get one but i dont have one yet. if u can visibally see the copepods on your glass and you think your tank is ready, give it a shot. i know people have kept mandarins in 29 gallons so i bet you could. what other things do you have in it?


Active Member
i saw a white thing on my glas and got it of with algea scraper my tank is very young bout a month in a half old. i have one clown and a yelow watchman goby i see the clown geting things of the lr but idk if thats food that was there or copepods


how long were u planning on waiting to get a mandarin? id say 4 months minimum and the refugium will help greatly in making more copepods. before you get one make sure your tank is ready to handle one. also read up on peoples personal experiances with them. that helped me greatly


ok then thats good :) as a lot of people have told me: copepods copepods copepods lol thats the biggest part in keeping one


yeah thats why theyre my favorite fish!! the ones at the newengland aquarium let the people cleaning the tank pet tehm!!