55 gallon (yes i know its a stretch putting it in the nano)


ok so i might not be able to keep my shameface considering hes a box crab and he might eat coral and all my snails and fish... anybody have one?
so i was talking to my friend who got me it. I have a little ten gallon in my basement that im not using so... i think im gonna grab a filter for that and set that up maybe just have the shameface in that :) he will get pretty big so im thinking he can keep that whole tank to himself with an exception of a couple feeder fish and snails


ok so i just fed the bryzoan and the pink coral. pink retracted its tendrils(lol tendrils or tentecles wutev) pretty quickly. but he put them out again in like 10-20 minutes. i knew he must be eating and also the tank was pretty cloudy with salmon so he was getting some food...


no im still waiting on ordering the tank :/ kinda mad about that i think its gonna happen this weekend unfortuneatly i was hoping for it to be last week lol


Active Member
lol u have a lepord gecko my bros monitor is a lil biger then that but in about a year the monitor could eat it whole


lol sweet my friend has a moniter! yeah my gecko is about 3 now... i just like the look and the personality of leopard geckos they walk like they are really confident and funny. he hasnt dropped his tail which is an acomplishment in itself


hey does anybody think i could keep a foxface or blue tang in a 55? just wondering to add a little variety i feel like all the fish in my tank are small and gobielike (i have nothing against gobies thats y im getting so many).


Active Member
Originally Posted by MMA-Guy
hey does anybody think i could keep a foxface or blue tang in a 55? just wondering to add a little variety i feel like all the fish in my tank are small and gobielike (i have nothing against gobies thats y im getting so many).
I thought u didn't have any fish yet? Get a yellow watchman goby or a spoted jawfish


just had a funny thought...
one year when i took care of some troppys for the aquarium in the winter (we are seasonal) i got a little ten gallon and had a juvenile blue angel, a sea robin, a northern puffer, and a shame face crab. when the angel came up to the glass looking for me my dog jumped on the bed and would headbutt my tank.
LUCKILY this tank will be further from my bed... hopefully not frenchbulldog length.....

that last tank was acrylic good thing :)


really? mine had some for about two weeks then ran out... yeah mandarins are just so great colorful, cute, and lots of personality :)
at first i was thinking about hybriding them. saw it on youtube they had a spotted and a green both paired displaying to eachother really cool!


unfortuneatly the best did not come. about 30 seconds ago my shameface lost 3 of her legs. she is completerly out but im worried she might die shes floating around cuz shes so bouyant
atleast shes out
the reason its so bad is because of how big theyre claws are. really clunky.
shes been working on her right one for about 5 hours and now she just loses everything...


Active Member
i typed in google images shameface crab there were like three diferent ones and none were hermits is the one u have a hermit?? sry though i want a strawbery crab but its so much 40bucks at lfs and my emerald crab died so i dont wana get the strawbery crab and it dies im prety sure it wont but idk i just dont wana waste the money


my shameface isnt a hermit, hes a box crab. i wouldnt recomend him for reefs though, he eats coral sometimes. im really mad at fish.com the tank i ordered shipping was originally 48$ they called me today saying it is 314$!! im canceling the order. looking at tanks in my area.