55 gallon (yes i know its a stretch putting it in the nano)


Active Member
that sucks i wouldnt get a bowfront ppl say they like the looks then after a while they said its a pain to clean


yeah they are! found a pretty nice one on craigslist :) gonna go look at it soon its off island so i gotta wait about a week
i ordered my powerhead tho it should be coming pretty soon


those fish sound cool:)
personally i'd go for the B&W clowns, lil bit more expensive but look SOOO much cooler! and if you can, get them wild, then in about 6 months get an anemone, bubble tips are best cos they host most clowns, and if the B&W is wild it will go into the anemone, if its tank bred then they dont know wat an anemone is, so therefore will only go in if your lucky!
but yeh DONT get an anemone untill your tank is atleast 6 months old, there so hard to keep otherwise!.
otherwisee that all sounds good:)
yeh im thinking of gettin a manderin, but how do you know your tank is ready?
i know they need copepods or something? but what do they look like? lols


Originally Posted by skate020
those fish sound cool:)
personally i'd go for the B&W clowns, lil bit more expensive but look SOOO much cooler! and if you can, get them wild, then in about 6 months get an anemone, bubble tips are best cos they host most clowns, and if the B&W is wild it will go into the anemone, if its tank bred then they dont know wat an anemone is, so therefore will only go in if your lucky!
but yeh DONT get an anemone untill your tank is atleast 6 months old, there so hard to keep otherwise!.
otherwisee that all sounds good:)
yeh im thinking of gettin a manderin, but how do you know your tank is ready?
i know they need copepods or something? but what do they look like? lols
well mandarins are tough but they are very very cool! if you got live sand and live rock you probably have some copepods but you will need more. lots of rockwork for them to play around in. when you have enough copepods u should see some white specs on the glass. just like anemones you should age your tank at least 6 months before you get one.


hey anybody think that the tail spot blenny is a good choice with yellow watchmen and mandarins? because they spend some time on the bottom...


got my powersweep today its a little bent but it will be fine. i think im gonna get a koralia too. how much gph should i really have?


this weekend if we can catch a boat and find a good tank :/
srry my parents are kindof busy with court stuff...


Active Member
i have a bowfront...i dont think its hard to clean, but i wouldnt recommend one. the odd shape of it makes lighting fixtures a pain and can makes things difficult sometimes.


Originally Posted by gio28
i have a bowfront...i dont think its hard to clean, but i wouldnt recommend one. the odd shape of it makes lighting fixtures a pain and can makes things difficult sometimes.
mhmm!!! the 2 125s and the 1 200 are both a pain to keep at the aquarium! although the 200 is fun its our chilled tank we keep lumpfish in it if we catch them!


would a koralia 3 work for this tank??? on ************** they dont say tank requirements sooo just wondering. figured i would need about that much gph.


first of all sweet gecko... i cant wait for mine to get to breeding size...
ok back to SWF, can you post some pics of your tank asap, im looking to build a 55g next and i wanna start looking at ideas for aquascape and ect....


Originally Posted by Jon_fiasco
the stocklist you mentioned on your first post is that final or have you changed it up
it isnt final i dont think im gonna keep the zebras on it maybe get something a little different... pajama cardinals look really nice at the lfs they have like twenty.
if anything else changes ill be sure to update. the flame hawk and flame dw angel are just in consideration... depending on the other inhabitants