55gal pics wanted!


heres my 55g with some new live rock.. i only have a nigar trigger for now,hes hiding in the pics. if ya look close you can see his eye glowing from the flash



Active Member
Thanks alot for sharring yall!
Phil I like that new LR. Where did you get it from, LFS or a online site?


Originally Posted by JayC
Thanks alot for sharring yall!
Phil I like that new LR. Where did you get it from, LFS or a online site?
thank you :) its called worm colony rock. i got it at my lfs for 6.99 a pound..the bigger one you see in pic is a lil over 7 pounds. its well worth it. theres soooooooooo many hitchhikers on it
.bristal worms,stars,sea orchids,sponge,lots of coriline..every day i see something new on my live rock.. :joy: .. @night its even better.other things come out at night :joy: .. its well worth the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Cool, I just setup my 55gal the other day and I need LR for it. I'll have to check into getting some of that. What happened to your naso?

darth tang

Active Member
How long have those 8 tangs been together in that 55?
If you make it a year with all eight together I will be impressed.


I did a lot of research before I got into saltwater fish and one main thing I found is that you should never keep a tang in a tank under 100gal. You are keeping EIGHT tangs in a 55gal...this is bad. Tangs can grow up to 1 foot and love to swim, so what happens when all your tangs reach there full size?


Junkie I doubt you listen to anyone anymore. Don't you get tired of people flaming you everytime they see a pic. I personally think you have one of the best looking tanks on the site, and you must be doing something right to have everything this long. Keep it up.


i think it's funny that other people tell you how you should do it.... why??? because they read that somewhere, thats the only reason. it's all about trial and error and if it's working, then let it work.


Active Member
Beatiful aquariums both of you! Minchman have you had any promblems with that flame angel nipping at your corals?


Active Member
Mine looked like that forever. I finally got water and LS in it, and now its cycling.
Thanks everyone who shared there pics, its really helped me out alot. And if anyone else wants to share theres please feel free to.