55gal pics wanted!


Active Member
Very nice everyone!! My daughter is going to be starting up a tank in a few months and she is going with a 55 gal...this will give her some great ideas!!
Lisa :happyfish and Beth (my daughter)


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Hi Junkiebeast, Awesome tank. Would send a pic of my 55 but it's 3 days old. So far I have 40lbs. crushed coral, 20lbs white sand and 15 of black sand. The 1st thing living I put in when it cleared was 2 live rocks, 5 lbs. each. HA! My calcium level is almost none so am adding calcium by the 1/4 tsp each day. Am I on the right track so far?
Mine is empty with no water or nothing in it. I'm hopeing to get it setup next week. :D


Hey JAyC!! Thanks bout everything said bout My Tank!!!!!! I'm using two 250 MH
and 4 PC 2 actinics03 2 50/50 actinics03 10k daylight.



Active Member
Thanks for posting more pics! Your tank is so beatiful.
How long have you had that hippo in there? And have you had any promblems with it? The reason I ask is I really would like to get one once I setup my 55gal. I know that It will eventually outgrow the tank but I figure I could keep one in there for a year or two if I bought it small.


less than a week old. right click, view image/show picture

i gotta fix this stupid msg, in the meantime right click, view image/show picture. k thx


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishhead81
less than a week old. right click, view image/show picture

i gotta fix this stupid msg, in the meantime right click, view image/show picture. k thx
Hey fishhead, I cant get that link to work. It may just be my computer. :confused:


New Member
Originally Posted by junkiebeas
Nop. They are:
Yellow Tang
Silfin Tang
Scopas Tang
Chevron Tang
Purple Tang
Brown Caribbean Tang
Are all those really in just a 55G??? :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
is that a joke? 8 tangs in a 55.. i wouldn't put 8 tangs in a 555 gallon.... let alone a 55


Active Member
Originally Posted by junkiebeas
Yes they are all in there and really happy!!!
That is alot of tangs, But I guess as long as there happy and healthy there fine. :joy:


Active Member
Both of yall have beatiful tanks!

Tthemadd1 is that a porcupine puffer in a reef tank? :notsure: Do you have any promblems with him eating your corals and invertates?


Active Member
He hasnt eaten a thing. All he will eat is mysid shrimp. Emerald Entree is a good frozen food choice full of mysid and a few brine.
Good luck