55gal pics wanted!


this is my 55 gallon tank - I am just figuring out this whole saltwater thing - the tank is about 3 months old now... nothing too impressive - I am trying to go slow and steady
All of your setups are beautiful - really inspiring!!


it came in a plastic baggie of water - I held the bag under in a bucket of aquarium water (to let the store water out) and let some of mine in and then put it in the tank in the bag and released it - more like acrobatics!! :)


Active Member
I moved mine by drip acclimating and then putting it back in the bag and dumping it into my tank. Not hard. I have also moved them quickly so that they are not exposed for more than a second or two.


Active Member
junkiebeas- how are the tangs in your 55? cleaner wrasse seems to be quite busy. Naso also looked like it has had a constant case of ich...this is based on looking at the picture....admit it could be quality of pic. how about an update....I'm really interested since you apparently have had all of these tangs in a 55 for 4 years or so. While I would never endorse this approach, I'm keenly interested in staying up on your success.


Update!!!! Well Flame I've never encounter a case of ich. Thats not a cleaner wrasse it is a noen goby. They have been doing very well since day one. The neon cleans everything that apears in my beloved Tangs skin, as well as everybody else. They are just geting a free meal here and there its their job you know. Thats why they are in there, they are a mated pair and I get a good fry of them every three weeks or so. I'm raising a fry right now. very hard to do to. So I'll post some pictures of them later. I have to charge the batt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rainbow AQ
This is 54..sorry no 55 lol
Nice! Very nice!
I always have liked corner tanks like yours.

rainbow aq

Originally Posted by junkiebeas
Yes they are all in there and really happy!!!
I got something to say about Junkiebeas having 8 tangs in his tank..First of its his tank he can do whatever he wawnts....Plus keep in mind a 55 gallon tank has a large surface area..larger than a 92 corner..i dont reccomend keeping that many in a 55 but its certainly possible..IMO his fish look very happy and healthy...What are you guys like the tang police lol....Go to your local fish store tell me how many yellow tangs they keep in one tank alone...More than 3..More like 30...otherwise nice tank junkiebeas

thanks for the comment Jayc!


I finally figured the camera out, but the colors are a little off. Here is a 55 started Jan 2004. The cabinet is home made as is the sump. The equipment is:
Rio 2100 return pump
2 Maxi Jet 900s
Mag 18 Pump for SCWD return
Horrid Skimmer - but a new one is on order
2 Overflows
Lots of LR/LS
2 - 175w 10k MH lights
2 - 96w blue actinic PC lights
1 moonlight
Tunze Osmolator
Livestock is:
Lawn Mower Blenny (LMB)
Supposedly a yellow watchman goby - it has all the markings just no yellow
6 Line Wrasse
Orchid Dottyback
2 True Perculas - at least I think they are true I get them & the false confused
2 Feather Dusters - not including the small hitchhikers
2 brittle stars - one we got, the other just showed up one day
Blue crocea clam
Green Welsophylia (sp?)
another LPS whose name I can't remember
Yellow Star Polyps
Green Star Polyps
a few different mushrooms
Colt Coral
Yellow Leather
Toadstool Leather
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Emerald crabs
Hermit crabs
Fighting Queen Conch
Bubble Tip Anemone



Some more pics of the livestock
and that dottyback really is only an orchid color. I can't figure out why the blue is in the picture



Here's the goby and the coral whose name I can't remember. Also can't leave off the clowns wih the anemone and th 6 line wrasse - she was camera shy but I finally got a picture :cheer: Also forgot to mention there's a ricordia coral as well
