55gal. to 125gal. upgrade *updated pics on the last page*


ok so maybe its been longer than a few hours but here's some pics of what i was able to get done including going to the mall with the old lady (delay of game)...
tank in its place

algae skimmer in sump through bottom of dt...just need to add screens (snakes design thx) (if picture doesnt show just click on it not sure why it's not working

120 lbs. of argonite sand and water...60 more lbs. to be added from current main tank later on

and it's filled...the hob filters are temp. till cycle gets going and untill i get the final pieces of the puzzle...

that's all for tonight thx for all the help...prob. more questions to come im sure


doing fish and reef just not sure what coral/reef im doing yet but i got plenty of time before im ready for that...

eric b 125

no cross braces? does it look like there were cross braces at one point that broke off?


nope no cross brace nor was there one ever from what i can tell i can say the glass is 1/2" thick all the way around


I'm following along... I cant wait to get moved an set up a new tank!


lol i do that from time to time...im still waiting on for my spike but nothing yet added little piece of shrimp and some lr/ls from my current tank still nothing so i wait some more...but havent got the right light yet so trying to rush to much


well its been almost 4 days now and im still waiting on cycle spike...i added a bottle of cycle on day one (small bottle) and small piece of shrimp day two added some lr/ls from my current setup and yesterday added about 10 gallons of water from my tank thats setup after a small wc and still have nothing for a spike could i have missed it??? im thinking no but im no expert by any means i have 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite i havent tested for anything else since i havent seen any spike...other than salinity and calcium that is...


Well-Known Member
lol, I thought that scrubber design looked familiar. I'm flattered, however, I just built my scrubber with whatever pieces of PVC I had laying around. There are a little better ways to do it then what I did, and you will notice that over time.
I'm actually building my next scrubber inside a 5.5g drilled aquarium...


lol i went off your design visually and took the space that i had to work with...basically i took what you suggested and made it for what was going to work in my situation...test drove it and works great now just waiting for the final steps to be completed...all in all i cant wait to see what results your scrubber brings...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will do well. I treated my hair algae problem in my tank within a matter of two weeks... in other peoples tanks it takes months and months. Plus, I can feed basically as much as I want, as long as I keep the lights updated every three months and enough flow over the screen.
I'm going to be doing a build thread on my next algae scrubber if you are interested, check it out.
I'm happy to see that you chose to add it to your system.


the pleasure is all mine...nobody gets ahead in this hobby without any help and where there's help there's success...there will always be improvements in this hobby it's just keeping up with it all is the challenge....


Well-Known Member
You will eventually get to a point where it will be very easy to keep up with everything, and you will know what directions you want to go and how to get there without anyone elses help. Then, it will be your turn to help others.


paying it forward i try to do that now as much as i can which isnt much at the time but its getting better


got 2 kor. 750gph wavemakers today in the mail which will make four total once i switch the current take over i think that should be plenty of flow lol...should be getting new light next week...will have 3 metal halide light either 14k or 20k bulbs kinda between the two and 4 compact actinic compact bulbs...want the ocean blue look but not to blue so chunk (blue hippo) is hard to see...algae scrubber is up and running hoping to have some growth before the switch...also wondering if i need to acclimate current fish to new water...im adjusting new tank as much as i can to match current tank even though i know it wont have as much good bacteria with the old filtration system...i am adding old water tonew tank when i water change to help it out and rinsing old media into the water also to help...as of right now water test ammonia 0, nitrite maybe .1/.2, nitrate roughly 2, and ph 8.2ish...cal. 450+ that's all i tested for tonight...


lol yea i got it...figured i'd post both to you and here since well its a update and we've been talking since i've joined