55gal. to 125gal. upgrade *updated pics on the last page*


whatever works is good enough for me...but this is in my living room and i have to deal with the wife so the easier the better lol...pics coming soon


thx still going to need more work with lr but once i can get some more im just going to leave it as is for now


Lights are NICE!!! yeah and more rock couldn't hurt, lol.


lol yea agreed on the lr it's a work in progress so hopefully in a few months it will be full of life...ill keep everyone up to date with any thing new...like i just got 20k halide bulbs today in the mail so lighting is going to change a bit from the current 14k bulbs...everything looks good so far everybody has survived at this point from the tank swap so looking up (knocking on wood) still got to take old sand out of old dt. but wondering if there's anything still alive or worth doing it since old tank hasnt had heat or light for couple days now...could still put light on it if anyone thinks i should here shortly since its about time for bed...


WOW i just went to add some top off water and noticed that nemo was in the back of my overflow box...didnt freak out b/c if he ended up anywhere it was he would be in my sump so not so bad right...lol j/k...so since i dont have a net that small i just reached down there hoping he wouldnt jump out which would of been a lot harder to get to him thanks to the christmas tree i was able to grab him and put him back into the DT....talk about close calls...im sure he's sleeping up top close the overflow box will end i hope...just glad i caught it in time...


Active Member
Wow... looks really good... the zoas look a bit swollen up, but hopefully they will open up in a bit.
Hows the anemone???


thanks...they open up just fine during the day i had to give the pearlscale a new home though....everything opens up pretty big after i got rid of the trouble maker but he's got a good new home...anemone is doing good from what i can tell...everything is seems to be settled nicely and parameters are the best i've ever seen...lets just hope it stays that way...lol


help!!!! i have a lemon peel angel that i've had for little over a week now...he's real anti social (not to worried about that) in the new home...but what im curious about is he's looking a little bit on the round side (as in FAT) i dont see it eating that much when i feed too and i dont think he's eating that much to be this size...anyone have a clue of what it could be??? parameters are near perfect temp. stays within 1 degree during 24 hr. period...salinity stays at 1.023...doesnt have any war wounds either im lost...or is that normal for the lemon peel



best picture i have for now he's seems to be a fan of the night life...anyways if you look close and or able to make picture bigger it looks like he also has two bumps (around maybe the size of a half a marble maybe little smaller)



see the bump almost on the bottom of him towards the middle...scales arent laying flat either kinda spiking outward

i cant get him to stay still he plays hide n go seek with me so i cant get head shot to show you guys how roundish he is