55gal. to 125gal. upgrade *updated pics on the last page*


he's still alive but back in his hiding space so i guess it's looks like a wait and see type of deal...i didnt feed yesterday so we'll see if he eats when i feed later on today


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/389124/55gal-to-125gal-upgrade-and-questions/80#post_3445168
LOL that info basically identified EVERYTHING as a possibility. Also, when you get info from another source, it must be identified in your post who is the actual author. Best not to copy/paste someone else's writing. That could be considered plagiarism, well intentioned or not.
It could be a cyst, but I can't see a cysts developing overnight. An infection, however, can develop rather rapidly.
Hard to plagiarize something when you start your post with, this is what I was able to find. Secondly, isn't it a forum rule to not post links to competitor sites....
Anyways... back to the problem at hand.


Staff member
Sorry for jumping to conclusions. At first look, I thought that may have been a copy paste from somewhere else. My bad, and I apologize.


have you thought about putting up a QT before you get another fish???


all my other fish are just fine even the copperband i got the same time so im thinking it was so kind of freak thing maybe so stung from a coral or something but everyone else is ok (knock on wood) yes i know i should have a qt tank but im lucky to have this tank...tried to talk to the old into another tank for qt but havent been able to break that yet lol...


correction man what's going on...my oldest fish that i've had almost a year now committed suicide....poor nemo


Active Member
My QT tank is a little 20 Gallon tank, with a small filter an heater an air line and some PVC Pipe0s and elbows. I store it under a cabinet when not used. When I get an itch for a fish, I start it up with water change water then I take a piece of sponge or filter floss that I have in the tank and stick it in the QT filter and its ready to go. I've set it up litterally 24 hours before I bought a fish before, with no problems.
Others may have better input..


all i have extra is a couple 55 gal in the garage...guess i was thinking about what i have to use vs. spending money that i dont have thanks to the holidays...


lol yea i know that but the boss isnt going to let me since the house is up for sale and the 125 is big enough lol


bet you could find a cheap 10g on the LIST.... and use it? (or find someone that wants to trade up with all the equipment with it)


yea that could prob. work...im thinking it was more of a freak thing then anything..maybe got into a coral that did the damage...who knows i've never seen anything like it and beth which from what i hear is some expert on the subject didnt know for sure so im going to chalk it up to something rare...im just going to move on and deal with something new...


check this guy out he made his own man cave...

ok for the record that rock wasnt covered at all earlier today...

man cave open for business

closed and time for some r&r