55GALLON!!! DIARY!!!!!! POST HERE what u think!!!!


Active Member
umm zoos, polyps, sun corals, mushrooms, etc.....and the fish i plan to put a pair of ocel clowns, green clown goby, and gonna pick as i go along....the inverts are cleaner shrimp, blue legs, bumble bee, turbo, emerald, starfish(mby), etc.....


Active Member
some updates
this littel guy i got today for 5$....

and heres my 10gal seahorse or coral tank..havent decided.....
THE START not finished

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
umm tap...from my sink why?, but its clean, and has no bad things in it...i checked with my local village
I'm sure it has nothing bad for humans, but it could even have copper
it is always a good idea to usr r/o water. And i love the aquascape.

matt b

Active Member
Looks really good!!! Like ric said your water may be perfect for humans BUT you really should look into getting a rodi unit.