6 gallon nano in progress!!!!



Originally Posted by Cherish life.
i think i might try the frozen idea....we will see....i might do a mandarin only tank in the 6 gallon...just him and some corals
I would deffinatly NOT do that they need like 100 lbs or so of lr to support enough pods to support a madarin. Even if you get a madarin that eats frozen then you would still need a larger tank. I dont know that much about them but have heard a lot. I think you should talk to someone else about that (just to warn you, you will probably get bashed like no other, so i would suggest to not even think about that, sry.)
oh ok....forget that then....hmm ive got pictures for ya...temporary filter and filled it with water from my water change from today

went to the beach again today and brought home some sand...i got a red legged hermit from another dt....so today i saved about 30$ for sand

i have a crappy filter and a desk lamp just for the time being till xmas or mom or dad are being happyer....dad said he might buy me some lr too

hopefully someone will post about proper gph for the 6 gallon...

well fine then..wont be on till tomorrowish...umm my tank looks really not clear at all....could that be just cuz the yellow lamp light.....
cya guys tomorrow
~*..life is too short to be anything but happy..*~


Sry didnt get back to you, dont have any computer to get on during the weekend.
Usually it is not good to get the LS from the beach because people thow stuff in the ocean at the beach and the water and the sand gets polluted but since you already have it in there, make sure you run a lot of carbon and do regular water changes, make sure you use RO water (best thing i ever did ). When you go to put something in it make sure it is doing great (absolutly no problems) for about a week before you start adding stuff because you want to make sure that it is not at all polluted (Just be safe and make sure it is CLEAN).
yea....its about 1 1/2 inches....my other thread got closed cuz i got super mad last night....and cussed....oh well....it was dead sand so it really might have nothing in it...
i just got 18 bux so maybe that will buy me a hob skimmer or filter or some lr

ttyl, justin


I found out the proper GPH for any tank is about 10x however many gallons you have (6g = 60GPH) up to 30x however many gallons you have (6g = 180GPH) or what ever in between
the 30x is usually for bigger sps tank but if you only want some small soft corals or lps i would go tward the lower GPH range.


You can do one of two things
Q: do you want a regular filter or a fuge?
1: I would suggest buying any regualr HOB filter (aquaclear or penguin) and keep as is
2: If you want a fuge read this website https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/279246/my-lil-refugium
you can even modify this to you likings if you want. For example: if you want a fuge or parts of a fuge add lr and maby some cheato but keep the carbon, that way you get both... kindof)
just read that and i understand some of it..
how do i get enuf flow to the chaeto?
can i leave the light on in the fuge 24/7?
how much and what kind of hob filter is that?
i need to know the price for the light and the hob filter cuz i only have like 40 dollars tops to spend....ttyl
sorry for all the questions lol


just read that and i understand some of it..
how do i get enuf flow to the chaeto?
it should be fine stock i would guess, put the cheato on top.
can i leave the light on in the fuge 24/7?
I guess you could but you dont have to (some leave the fuge light on some dont)
how much and what kind of hob filter is that?
That is an AquaClear 50 (but the 20 would be fine, your call) they run 20- $27.99 30- $34.99 and 50- $39.99
i need to know the price for the light and the hob filter cuz i only have like 40 dollars tops to spend....ttyl
dont know about the light.
sorry for all the questions lol
Thats ok thats how you learn. I did the same thing.