6 gallon nano in progress!!!!


Active Member
You dont need to drain. Just turn everything off and put wrap across the top, duct tape the edges and then paint. thats what I did it worked great!


Thats really disguesting, definatly did not need to know that.


Thats really disguesting, definatly did not need to know that.
im gonna mod the hood so i can make a acrylic top for it
i have to make a acrylic top cuz of precipitation
if i dont ill have to top of like alot per day
gonna wait for dad to get home to maybe paint tank
hmmm...are there any ways to keep it from the temp getting too hot in the tank if i wanna get mh's?
i dont got 100 bucks to drop on a chiller
ive heard of t5s
whats the difference of these and mh?
tty in a bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
im gonna mod the hood so i can make a acrylic top for it
i have to make a acrylic top cuz of precipitation
if i dont ill have to top of like alot per day
gonna wait for dad to get home to maybe paint tank
you mean evaporation??
precipitation is what it is doing outside your house(rain)


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
hmmm...are there any ways to keep it from the temp getting too hot in the tank if i wanna get mh's?
i dont got 100 bucks to drop on a chiller
ive heard of t5s
whats the difference of these and mh?
tty in a bit.
you could just get some small fans to cool the water, as far as the acrylic top, you might not want to do that if you want MH.
dad said tomorrow...i can paint it
today it was too wet and still raining....
what is the best way to clean the back for prep?
and will rustoleum flat black paint work....he wondered if i should scuff the back of the tank to help the paint stick, but i would rather not.....do i have to scuff it???


Active Member
i dont think that you would want to get MH for that tank. you would boil anything in that tank without a chiller for a nano.


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
dad said tomorrow...i can paint it
today it was too wet and still raining....
what is the best way to clean the back for prep?
and will rustoleum flat black paint work....he wondered if i should scuff the back of the tank to help the paint stick, but i would rather not.....do i have to scuff it???
I would say probably not (I have never done this but have worked with paint) but if you do you could probably use the rough side of a sponge or a brillo pad or sandpaper would work also (but be gentle with this)


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i dont think that you would want to get MH for that tank. you would boil anything in that tank without a chiller for a nano.
if you have it off of the tank about 6inches or so with fans on either side will it still make it to hot? (youll need to top off about once or twice a day but hey youll have MH)