chris walker90
New Member
Ok well im not super new to the saltwater world but there is still more i need to learn. I have a 30gal tank (i know its small) in the tank there is a Coral Beauty Angle just put it in 3 days ago seems to be doing great. There is also a Clown fish hes been in there for a while, also a Lawnmower Blenny with 3 brown legged hermit crabs and 5 blue legged hermit crabs. Ive got about 20lbs of live rock in there i know i need more just need money to buy some. Now the tank i bough was a whole set that i bough from a local pet store i also have a new 10,000k T8 ocean sun light and a BioWheel filter. Main thing in trying to do is figure out what i can do from here?