60g Scorpion/Waspfish/Anthias Tank


Active Member
So, back to the tank. Everything came for the big tank and it will be put together next weekend. The LR has been in a 55g in the closet cycling so it shouldn't take TOO long. Then the lion and the frondosa comes out and in goes the little ones. With just a little aquascaping, it should be ready to go.


Active Member
cranberry, you could expect the brasilensis to grow to nearly a foot, I had two a while back, lost one to an infection (got him with a bad eye wound from a guy who thought it would be cool to add 2 of them to his trigger tank), and have since re homed the other to a friend. The larger one I had was about 10", and the little guy was 4". They grow fairly fast, and are very good eaters. I heard their max size was 14", but I didn't believe it until a friend of mine at my LFS got one in, it was huge. 12-14" and as big around as a football

Great looking fish, I look forward to more pics


Active Member
Ya, we know he's going to be a brute....
He'll end up in either the medium scorp fish tank or the the big scorp tank. But for now he's small and fits with this crew best.


you have some of the nicest fish i've seen. now if i may ask you a few questions about my scorpion fish. i've had him for about a month now. he was in good condition when i got him. he ate a marron clown fish that was just big enough for him to get a hold of. after this he got real lathrgic i figured he was full. then his eyes got real clowdy he and he stoped chasing his food.(myses and brine) so i started bring food (krill) douwn to him with plastic forcepts which he eat verry well hit like a truck when he took it. i have treated him for his eyes they are clear as a bell now he has been verry active the only problem now is he will not eat unless i bring the food to him. my question is how long should i wait for him to feed when i feed the rest of the fish right now he get fed every 3 days. the other fish every day.
thanks you for any advice you can give


Active Member
So, he use to eat mysis and brine, then ate a maroon and now won't go back to mysis and brine but will eat hunks of krill that you bring down to him?
It's because he knows a good thing when he sees it. He really doesn't want to chase after small bits of food like a mid water column fish... he wants meaty hunks and would prefer to sit on the bottom or in a cave and wait.
How long ago did he eat the maroon?
Have you tested your water lately? Some of my guys are nitrate sensitive and will go off food, or not take it as well, if the nitrates climb. The cloudy eye could also be a sign of declining water quaility... easy enough with scorps.
Have we talked about your scorp before? It's a Brasiliensis like mine.


Active Member
This is the Bearded Ghoul, a species that was featured in ReefLife magazine this month. Y'all should keep a lookout for articles by F. Marini... he's got some new ones coming out on all the different scorps.
Even when he's happy.... he's not....


beutifull fish no we have not talked about him. i think his eye problem i caused when i placed him in my tank he got hung up in my net which may have agrvated his eyes. i replaced the net with a better more finer mesh and gave him a fresh water dip 3 days after he was as good as new it has been about 2 weeks since he ate the clown. and me parameters are all 0 p.h. 8
here is a picture of the little guy


Active Member
OH! You just moved him with a net. That would be it then.
When was the last time you fed him.
Yup, he's just like mine. How big is yours?


i did a regular feed today with half a cube of mices about an hour ago he went after a few pieces that floated by him i fed him 2 good size pieces of krill yesterday. he is about 4 inches long. yea it was a chore getting him out of the net with out either of us getting hurt lol


Active Member
Don't feed him for a few days. I would start to feed him food besides mysis. There are also studies in progress about the ill effects of krill, so I'm staying away from all krill (although freeze dried does seem to be more the culprit).
Feed a nice variety of fresh fare and he will grow to be a beautiful big ole healthy size.


ok he does not seem to like clam how do they typicly do with silversides or maybe squid. i split my feedings between the miced ,brine ,krill ,and clam. what else could i add to there diet.


how big will these guys get? i usually do my research before i buy to make sure the new fish is compatable with what i have and would like to get in the future but this guy was to good looking to let go and i have some exspirance with piosonus fish may he rest piece



Active Member
How big will the Russel's get in your last pic? He looks adult to me. I would consider him done or close to it. They get about 10".
I feed absolutely everything. All saltwater fish flesh and inverts. I'd say starve yours out a bit. Mine wouldn't turn down rancid dog if I offered it to him.... maybe he still has some food in his tract, let him digest it. IMO.
They go nuts for Pacific Salmon. It's an only an occasional treat, though.


ok thanks alot. i was asking about the scorpion how big will he get unfortunatly my lion died a few years ago he was in my first setup with a spotted stingray got them both as babies. they died while i was deployed overseas with my national gaurd unit. tank crashed
they were my fav fish.