I've tried at night with my feeding prong, and just trying to get it to drop just right. I feed ghost shrimp that I try to gutt load with marine flakes. I've had him for about 6 monthes. I tried freeze dried and frozen krill, the clams on the half shell (my puffer loves em) shrimp, scallops, squid from the grocery store. He loves his ghost shrimp and teh occassioanl tuffie when I can't get any ghost shrimp. I bought a frog fish awhile back and he ended up dead in 3 days. I think he got in a fight he looked really angry when he died, mouth wide open, spines all up. Really want one!! The guy who runs my LFS has been there for 8 years atleast, and seems to know almost everything hes incredible. I'll tell him about fish I'm interested in and he orders a few to look at. Very trust worthy, plus he eats at my resteraunt.
Hopefully he hasmy Kleins Butterfly all set and ready to go today for my reef tank. Damn Apistasia
Almost forgot sorry, hes a Mini Marine Betta, they ust look similar, this guys about full grown at 4-5 inches. He sits on the sand and reminds me of a lizard. I will try and learn how to post a video. He's got quite and attitude. Saw him kill a Goby at the pet store.