60g Scorpion/Waspfish/Anthias Tank


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So have ever grabbed the wrong bottle to drink. Maybe came down for a late night snack, no light on.


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Not yet.... but everyone has been close to grabbing the 2L bottle on the door thinking it'a Mountain Dew.


New Member
Are there any species of lion/scorpion/waspfish that could be kept with smaller fish such as blennies, clowns, lined wrasses?


How big do barbfish scorpions get? I saw a goosehead barbfish scorpion at my LFS. Very enticing to buy.


Active Member
I'm expecting somewhere around to a max of nine inches. PM FMarini, he has kept a few.
This may be the boy that throws the stocking plan all off. If he gets too big to keep with the little guys, I'm going to build a medium scorp tank to put him and the larger dwarf lions in.... we'll see.
They act like reptiles. They turn their head to look at you. It's kind of eery at time. Awesome AWESOME brave and interactive fish.
Just everyone be careful if you get any of these guys. We are very careful and aware, especially with the numbers we have, but we are also very aware that we are at risk. I even did something stupid the other day and I couldn't believe I did it after. I stood there with my mouth open thinking how careless I was.
The 24 JBJ was starting to spooge some air bubbles. The pump bay was a little low so I filled it up and there was ulva blocking the grates. The tank lights weren't on and I reached in without even looking and pruned the snail under the grate.... right were one of the scorps hang out at night. He probably ran when I raised the lid, but that is right were he hangs out and I honestly did not look at all before sticking my hand in. I was lucky... and stupid. And I guarantee you I won't do it again.
It would really suck if I got tagged by a scorpionfish, but some of these are waspfish. Please be careful......

shrimpy brains

Awwww...ain't ya'll cute!!

Hey, can I get some of that "mountian dew"!


I have a 46 gal tank, my lfs has been helping me set it up. I have the same pink scorpion/leaf fish you do. He will only eat live foods and at the lfs they had him eatting frozen krill. Any idea how to get him back on frozen? I have a fuzzy dwarf lion, bluespotted puffer, maroon clown, (who might be sold back to make room) Snowflake eel, (saving money and seeing how he does, looking into a golden dwarf eel) Mini Marine Betta, and a couple of stars amazingly green brittle, yellow brittle, and a chocolate chip think I'm going to buy a pillow star tomorrow if he's still at my lfs.
Love your tank!!!


Active Member
Did you see the leaf eating at the LFS? I call "Horse Patty" on that one if you actually didn't. They are really hard to convert. Of course, anything is likely and he could have been eating krill at the store. Aquaguy on here converted his and did so under the stealth of night... hasn't worked for mine. One was converted at a point and then he had an incident with a stick and never went back. I stopped using wooden sticks after that.
How long have you had him? What dead foods did you offer? What live food is he currently on?
The clown is not a good mate... I would definitely move that. The snowflake will not be a good mate when he gets bigger, I don't know much golden dwarfs, and what is a mini betta? If it's a juvie Marine Betta, he won't be compatible with your tank size.... but he won't eat the leaf.
Would love to see pics of the leaf.


I've tried at night with my feeding prong, and just trying to get it to drop just right. I feed ghost shrimp that I try to gutt load with marine flakes. I've had him for about 6 monthes. I tried freeze dried and frozen krill, the clams on the half shell (my puffer loves em) shrimp, scallops, squid from the grocery store. He loves his ghost shrimp and teh occassioanl tuffie when I can't get any ghost shrimp. I bought a frog fish awhile back and he ended up dead in 3 days. I think he got in a fight he looked really angry when he died, mouth wide open, spines all up. Really want one!! The guy who runs my LFS has been there for 8 years atleast, and seems to know almost everything hes incredible. I'll tell him about fish I'm interested in and he orders a few to look at. Very trust worthy, plus he eats at my resteraunt.
Hopefully he hasmy Kleins Butterfly all set and ready to go today for my reef tank. Damn Apistasia
Almost forgot sorry, hes a Mini Marine Betta, they ust look similar, this guys about full grown at 4-5 inches. He sits on the sand and reminds me of a lizard. I will try and learn how to post a video. He's got quite and attitude. Saw him kill a Goby at the pet store.


So I goit my pillow starfish andaSculpin scorpion fish. He told me the scientific name for the Betta began withanL he was going to write it down but forgot. It began with an L sorry I'll be going back soon. They were out of ghost shrimp.


Active Member
Halamaya-Try to buy some ghost shrimp and gut load. Then freeze them. After that take them out and feed to yr scorps. After they take the frozen ghost shrimp, then try frozen krill. Find a krill with whole body intacted. I did all this using the same 10" tweezers. So everytime time they see the tweezers they know it's feeding time so wat ever I put in the tweezers they will eat cuz they known its food. I feed at night or when the lights just came on. That's when they usually eat in the wild. Becarefull notnto giventhem any bad experiences with thenfood or the feeding stick, or u'll be back at square one or even worse.


New Member
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
Halamaya-Try to buy some ghost shrimp and gut load. Then freeze them. After that take them out and feed to yr scorps. After they take the frozen ghost shrimp, then try frozen krill. Find a krill with whole body intacted. I did all this using the same 10" tweezers. So everytime time they see the tweezers they know it's feeding time so wat ever I put in the tweezers they will eat cuz they known its food. I feed at night or when the lights just came on. That's when they usually eat in the wild. Becarefull notnto giventhem any bad experiences with thenfood or the feeding stick, or u'll be back at square one or even worse.
So ghost shrimp would be the best to have on hand, what about feeder shrimp live ones of course. any other suggestion I have a fuzzy dwarf coming my way in a week or so.