65 gallon sps reef profile with many pics

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
A rare goby that lurks the caves and snags food so fast I only got the picture when he was in the bag...
The scientific name is Priolepis nocturna, and he's the only one I've seen in person... a wicked fish that is as white as a clownfish...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Last one for now... feel free to comment and ask Qs... enjoy the pics for my wife's sake, as she endures my obsession with this wonderful hobby...:)


Amazing! :eek: That is the best tank I have ever seen! I just have a quick question about your 10 gal. How do you keep such beautiful Acros, SPS corals and clams in their with only PC lighting? I would like to get these animals in my 29gal. Lighted by 2 65 watt pc. Do you have a secret on how to do this?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
BP I would not recommend you getting any sps in your 29 with that lighting. Refer to my 10 gallon thread for info on what I kept in there, and if you have a question that isn't answered there just post it and I'd be happy to answer. In short it worked in my 10 gallon because I kept the sps literally inches from the light source. Thanks for the compliment and beware... I started in this hobby 15 years ago in middle school and by now probably could have bought a Ferrari with all I've spent over the years...


I started in middle school to! Hopefully when I am older I will have a tank 1/4 as good as yours and I will still be happy! Do you reccomend a SCWD for my 29gal. It would be powered by a mag 9.5 do you think that SPS corals will like that kind of current?(now I just got to get a MH too. lol)


Active Member
Stunning! This tank is absolutely gorgeous. You have a really nice variety of SPS in there, and I also like your selection of fish; a lot of species that you just don't see every day in home aquaria.
I do have a few questions for you though:
How many Yellow-lined Cardinals do you have in the tank, and how often and how successfully do they spawn?
How does the Regal Angel do around all those SPS?
Is the tank bare-bottom? It appears that way in the first shot.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks Rob... I have always loved many not so often seen fish, but still had to get a yellow tang at the request of the wife :D (I love them too).
I have 11 yellow lined cardinals, and there are two set breeding pairs that have come out of the group and keep their territories (except during feeding). They have just recently started spawning and each time seem to hold the eggs longer. I'll update to see how far along they come. When I move later this year I plan on isolating the pairs maybe. These guys are not like the Bangais and if I got into it with rotifers in our apartment my wife would shoot me:D . I love cardinals though and there are many great ones that are very often overlooked...
I moved all of my zoanthid colonies into my corner tank before getting the regal, and just a small patch was left behind in the tank. It lasted literally hours. Regals are usually sps safe, and he also leaves my Ricordea, clams and fungias alone. When my larger systems go up I plan on getting some more large angels and attempt to pair up my regal... we'll see...
I have a shallow sandbed. I like the concept of barebottom but hate the look, so I compromise with a shallow bed.
Here is a shot of the group of cardinals in my friend's tank... these are Apogon leptacanthus, commonly known as longspine cardinals...


Ummm....speechless yet again.
Talk about a tank to aspire to, almost makes me feel insignificant. What an amazing collection, dont think the local (D.C./Balt.) aquariums can boast such beautiful tanks. Thanks for the eye candy.


the only tank ive had so far is a 10gal
setup is:
shallow ls
15lbs lr
1 maroon clown
1 yellow watchman goby
1 coral banded shrimp
1 hawaiin strawberry crab
various hermits
penguin mini filter
and crappy lighting
i just bought a 20 long and 2x65watt pc 50/50 and im currently building a custom 1 peice stand/hood. first question is.... what coral would you suggest as a good starter? (i really appreciate diversity in shape and color)
and what distance should i mount my lights from the surface of the water?
i plan on getting 1 or 2 more fish, possibly some bangaii cardinals.
any help would be appreciated


Active Member

Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny
My Reef Creations custom rowaphos reactor (fluidized) on it's way:happy:

I tried to sale a few of those for Andy here but nobody listens to me, maybe you'll have better luck. There a lot better then those cheapo TLF reactors and cost less then the Deltecs.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
rwhite... thanks... unfortunately our local aquariums care much more about flipping dolphins than reef tanks as that's what fills the seats. One of the best showcase of reef tanks is at the Waikiki Aquarium in Hawaii... When our new house is built my 180 will go back up, along with my ~500 gallon that I'm already planning for, as the builders are adding 5 20 amp circuits to the "equipment room". This tank is a couple of years in the future, but my 180 and other tanks will keep me busy until then.
NORWAY, you are off to a good start, although the maroon clown will eventually probably become a problem, as they often get large and aggressive, especially in a nano. There are a myriad of soft corals you could start with in many shapes and sizes. Distance above the surface for the lights is a balancing act, with the limiting factors on one end being heating the water column and splashing the bulbs, while on the other end you want to deliver the light to the corals. My PCs were just a couple of inches off of the water as heating wasn't an issue and splashing was kept to a minimum.
Golfish, I have been very happy with my MRC calcium reactor, and wanted a large fluidized bed chamber without paying over $1000 which is what an equivilent Deltec would go for. My chamber will be 6" in diameter and 24 inches high... holding more rowa than I'd ever need, even on my large aquarium when I move. Price was $235... very reasonable. The Phosban reactor that's $35 is small and very "dinky" for lack of a better word. Andy is a great guy with a good product at excellent prices...
Here's a closeup of my peppermint hog... originally a very expensive fish that has now become more available at lower prices... peaceful with all but fairy wrasses... he killed one and booted another into the overflow...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
My bristletooth tomini tang... another not so often seen yet not so expensive fish. This guy is in the bristletooth complex with the koles and chevron tang. Here he is in the earlier "pre-regal angel" days when I kept my zoanthid collection in the 65...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks rb for digging into the smilies for me:D
skilos you know what I mean... this fish gets many compliments from experienced reefers when they see it... I had seen three in my lifetime in person before getting mine, and it's definately one of those fish that looks better in person. Although it cost about four times the price of the yellow tang ($15), it's grown on my wife... wait until I get a black tang when we move...:eek: ...
Here's a shot showing the majority of fish in my reef, including that Bartlett's anthias pair. These guys are great, and eat pellets, which is much less than I could say for my lyretail anthias. Even the regal eats pellets now... which definately sparked one of those exciting moments my wife doesn't understand:D
With a tank full of 11 voracious cardinals you need to have bold eaters...


johnny once again your tank stuns me. my 10 gallon is getting there. still doesnt look half as good as yours but my views say its pretty killer. i tried acros under my 80 watts of PC, and just couldnt get them to stay alive. but i do have a purple maxima which looks healthy a flat orange montipora, and an encrusting montipora which are doing fine. i dont get it. are monitpora's easier than arcoporas? thanks for the beautiful pics johnny and see if you can take a look at my threads. thanks man. i still think of you as the nano god, and my inspiration to making my 10 gallon what it is today. thanks:)