65 gallon sps reef profile with many pics

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Vibe, I will definately post in your threads tomorrow. In a very general sense, montiporas I have found hardier and more tolerant to low light levels than acropora. Thank you for the kind words, and I'm happy to inspire people, especially in the nano world. Talk to you in your threads...
Kip I can say with a good amount of confidence that that's a piece of M. peltiformis. It looks like it's doing well too. What's its origin and how long have you had it? What a neat coral eh? I think of mine as my best wild colony in the tank, and I was happy to find a second colony.


those are amazing. some things on our planet (well in our ocean actually) truly are breath taking and that coral right there takes the cake. nice specimen kip, and nice specimenS johnny as always.:D happy reefing to all

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
i think mine is 3rd maybe 4th generation captive
i gotta 50c piece sized frag of it last october from a guy in raleigh... its now about 4 inches across... it doesnt seem to grow up any... just out... it is truly hard to catch the beauty of this coral with a camera

Yeah my experience with them is that they encrust until they run out of things to encrust, and then start plating. An excellent coral that has purple polyps like no other...


Active Member
haha thats it? My finger leather is cooler than everything in that tank!
J/k man! Awesome SPS and fishies. I love the ricordea


dont forget about my threads:) . i want you to see how your 10 gallon tank inspired mine. also i want to know how you fragged your frog spawn. mine has 6 little frog spawns nears its base now so i need to know. thanx johnny


Nice Tank Johnny. I was wondering if you can explain your flow pattern and and placement, as well as, how many power heads or pumps you use.


Active Member
So you broke down the nano, huh?
Your nano inspired me to set up mine. Nothing of interest in it yet, but hopefully it will look like your tanks someday.
Keep up the good work, BJ!


Active Member

Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny
Golfish, I have been very happy with my MRC calcium reactor, and wanted a large fluidized bed chamber without paying over $1000 which is what an equivilent Deltec would go for. My chamber will be 6" in diameter and 24 inches high... holding more rowa than I'd ever need, even on my large aquarium when I move. Price was $235... very reasonable. The Phosban reactor that's $35 is small and very "dinky" for lack of a better word. Andy is a great guy with a good product at excellent prices...

I just can't see how Deltec units can be that much better:confused: Don't tell anybody I said this (Andy will kill me) but we could turn one of those second chambers that Andy makes for his Ca reactors (100.00) into a real nice fluidized bed chamber with just a little modification, if any.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks guys... Vibe the link is over at nanoreef... put my name and "fragging job" into the search and the thread will come up...
reefer44 I am a member of the local club WAMAS and am active on the board at www.wamas.org as johnc. Contact me through there as I don't think I can discuss trades or selling here. I have people over often and love to visit too... what local clubs are all about!
Druluv on the system I have only two MAK4 pumps, each pushing 1200 gph. I hate having powerheads in the display so I planned ahead. The one MAK4 is a return for the sump, and tees to the display 65 and the frag tank. The side going to the 65 returns to the tank through a 3/4" Sea-swirl in the center of the tank. The other tee goes through a SCWD and into each side of the frag tank. The second MAK4 is on a closed loop only on the 65 with the intake drilled through the back behind the rocks, where it is still accessible. This pump goes through a SCWD and to each side of the 65. I hope that is clear there. I will provide a diagram if that would be easier. It really makes for ALOT of flow, yet it's very alternating between the two SCWDs and the Sea-Swirl... The sps love the flow...
Footbag, the nano was more work for my wife and father when I travel than these two tanks combined. It was a blast but became very complicated as things took off. In this tank you could see all of the sps that started in the nano and more. I'll show these when I have more time... I'm happy to inspire people to setup nanos, as I was inspired by a few people that originally got slammed by the general reefing community for keeping things like clams and sps. I hope I showed that while tough, it can be done and they can thrive...
Golfish the Deltec units are rediculously priced, with the main advantage being only that they are made of clear PVC instead of acrylic, for those that drop their reactors off of buildings and don't want it to break I guess... Andy makes a great product and I don't mind paying the ~$200 for it. Are his second chambers 6" x 24"? I have the dual stage MR2(??) I think and I don't believe it's that large. Either way, we'll see how it goes...
Thanks again guys... I'm off to Japan and Guam tomorrow for business for a few weeks and so I'll check in periodically... please all say a prayer for my tank:D


Active Member

Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny
Are his second chambers 6" x 24"? I have the dual stage MR2(??) I think and I don't believe it's that large. Either way, we'll see how it goes...

No, their 4.5" x 21" but still more then enough for a 200+gal system. Its just a huge cost diff.
There's only one way it will go with stuff from Andy (good). He makes a fine product. I've been using one of his custom Klak reactors for a few years now.


where did you get that red sea angel? they dont sell themn on this site. any info on that fish will be greatly appriceated. i really like it alot
also where did you get that tomini tang?? i seen one at my lfs but he said they are very rare and hard to keep.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
reefer44 contact me through the local club on the board at www.wamas.org. My screen name is johnc. If you're local in DC you need to check it out anyway...
Chris, the Red Sea regal angel I actually got locally here in the DC area after almost breaking down and ordering online. Regal angels are by no means for the inexperienced and are generally a tricky fish to get to adapt, but once adapted settle in quite well. I bought mine after I found it eating like a champ, and have had no problems. People are having more success with this species nowadays, but they are still generally a very touchy angel. There are many threads on other boards with alot of good information and first hand experiences. If you do buy online be sure it's a reputable dealer that gets the regals to feed, which is so important with many fish, but much moreso in regals. Regals from the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea have much more yellow in them, and a yellow chest, as opposed to those from the Pacific that have more blue and a blue chest (although a few locals in the Pacific have yellow chested varieties, which are often sold as the Red Sea variety either to inflate the price or because people generally don't know). Some people say that yellow chested varities adapy better, and I've seen this trend too, but the important thing is to get one that is adapted and feeding.
On a side note I just got back from Guam and Japan and for the first time saw regal angels in the wild in Guam... what a sight!
The Tomini tang I got online and it has adapted well. I've always liked fish that aren't seen in the trade often, and many of my buddies have liked this guy as he is a sight to be seen in person. One buddy has also got one since and it too has adapted well. PM me on my clubs board and I'll tell you where you could get them...
Thanks again guys... I've just gotten back from over three weeks of business travel (with some diving thrown in) and am cleaning up the tanks... I'll post more pics soon...