65g reef journal


Active Member
no no pics i never got my camera fixed, but ya can i get some of that candy cane i gave u? man we must be going something wrong cause we both have a hard time keeping sps under mh


Active Member
i know im thinkin about sellin my lights and gettin a mh/t5 fixture but i wanna try some sick montis first.
If u want some fish i can hook u up at work..


Active Member
ya i think i might go back to a t-5 like a 6x24w on this thing that would make it amazing but now that im back into it i so regret getting rid of my 55g. dang that thing was nice

but ya i want every thing now. i went in there today i like the bubble tip in that 120g


Active Member
ya lol we just got a stingray today its pretty sick. we got a new dealer so hopefully well be gettin more coral but im tryin to get him to get some sps and stuff cuz these guys have really nice stuff. But i could hook you up with some fish and LR if you need it..


Active Member
i dont need lr i took the huge rock out of my old tank the one with the anenome on it and put it in there and i have like 4 other big pieces. but i would like some more fish. u workin tomaro?


Active Member
i know a have a lot in mine too it sucks
but we got mandarins yellow tangs some angels snails and crabs a ton i dunno hopefully corals next week but i could get you some xenia.

tx reef

Active Member
That's sick....that's sick......that's sick........that's sick

Anyone else getting annoyed by this or is it just me?


Active Member
dude u missed out i just let a 90g acrylic with dual overflow and custom stand pc light and sump w/ return go for 250$ with all kinds of other stuff


Originally Posted by TX Reef
That's sick....that's sick......that's sick........that's sick

Anyone else getting annoyed by this or is it just me?
Just you apparently.............
lighten up, no worries, be happy.....sounds like a song.