65g reef journal


Hey zanoshanox- I just order the same tank that you have!(dimension- 36 X 18 X 24)
I cannot wait to get it in. I have a few questions. I am going to get one of those paper backgrounds that they sell at the LFS (you know the ones that have a sticky backing so that it will not fall or get junk in between the tanks back and the background), do you think these are okay?
, Have you heard any bad stories about these backgrounds?

I'm worried that if I pant my own background on, that it won't look good!
I'm going to put 2 150watts MH fixtures and 78watts of T5's (the nova extreme retrofit kit), do you think this is enough to house a clam or two and some SPS corals?

(Total wattage- 378)
Also it will have a return pump of 600 gph (the gen-x brand), would this be enough return power?
It will be connected externally to my refugium sump). I am also going to be putting 2 maybe 3 koralia pumps in the tank as well ( I'm thinking about the 2's- 1200 gph if I just put in two #2's)
So total flow would be 1800 gph!
Also, do you have a canopy?
I'm going to get mine made by my dad and I was wonderong how tall the canopy should be. I'm going to be putting two fans in the canopy, one on each side. And one of those clip on fans with the 4 fans in one to be put on my sump in the cabnet. You can find the fan I'm looking at on "twodoctors.com" website!
Any feed back would be great!


Active Member
That's really similar to my setup.
I just use one of the laminated backgrounds on mine, as long as you keep a little distance from your tank and the wall you'll be able to squeeze back there and clean it if need be.
Right now on my tank I have two of the 150w 14K MH's. You will have even more light than me but my tank is bright as hell. I'm keeping clams growing and housing acros and other SPS as well.
I have a ton of flow in my tank, one seio 1200 and a 1500, and a mag 7.5 for return. So that's 1200+1500+750=3450/65g= 53.0769. That number is your turnover rate. To house the SPS corals you listed you will need usually 35+.

fish addict

Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I have a ton of flow in my tank, one seio 1200 and a 1500, and a mag 7.5 for return. So that's 1200+1500+750=3450/65g= 53.0769. That number is your turnover rate. To house the SPS corals you listed you will need usually 35+.

For the turnover don't you add up the actual GPH? I mean like the Maxi-Jet 600 really only has something like 102 GHP at least thats what is says on it in small print just below where it says Maxi-Jet 600.


Active Member
Yeah but the names of the seios always go by the GPH of the actual pump. In other words a SEIO 600=600GHP. And the Mag 7.5's are 750 GHP.


So should I add more flow to the tank? More than 1800 gph?
Should I get a koralia pump with more power?


Active Member
how the tank doing?
is there ne space/stress issues?
btw the tank still looks amzing.
any recent pics?


Active Member
Ill snap some more pics tomorrow, it's looking better! :)
I have a 300G show tank at work that i will eventually display them in.


New Member
i like the last picture trying to start on a new 55 gallon hex,,,but i want to get all the stuff first,,then start adding...looks good,,