65g reef journal


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thats great. Im thining 125 next year so I may get one.
nice i am thinking of upgrading to a 125 to 180 something 6 ft. as well lol
this is a addiction and its getting bad.


Active Member
Got these today on a rock thats got a lot of star polyps on it too, havent opened up yet but i had to post a pic! (cell phone)


I see you have a blue tang and a yellow tang in the 65 gallon. Have they ever gotton ick. The reason I ask is because I want to put in my soon to be upgraded 65 gallon reef tank a yellow or the blue tang!
Has your fish ever gotton stressed out b/c of that tank size? I just want to know before I start finalizing my fish list for the new tank!
How many fish are in there?
What are they?


Active Member
Neither have ever had ick, except the blue tang who got it while in an 8 week quaranteen at work when he was about 2 months old. They will eventually need bigger tanks, will nto be able to thrive in the 65 at work, but they have a good home in the 300 g when they get larger.


Your tank looks awesome!

Did you paint the back of the tank b/c the pics from before looked like you had a clear back to it?

You never really said how many fish are in there currently!
Before you said you had 11 fish- is that the number now?

Fish list from before- 1 regal, 4 chromis, 1 trigger, 1 lion, 1 goby, 2 clowns, yellow tang, & hawkfish!


Active Member
Here are some new pics for a bump. brand new zoas, sorry the tanks a lil cloudy just cleaned it.
torch was open


Full tanker