65g reef journal


Wow - I'm certainly impressed. Lot's of color and activity!
The pictures of the clowns and anemones are awesome! There is just something really cool about the way they interact.
I just put the live rock in my tank project last Friday and I am (anxiously) waiting for the cycle to complete. Hope mine turns out as nice as yours... Congratulations!


How many fish do you have in there? Is that angelfish okay to have in a tank like that? I just love the way the Imepiror Angelfish looks (my mom really wants me to put that fish in my tank) People say it gets to big, but I just love its coloration. Anything that can be helpful to me please add!!!


Active Member
Wow thanks for the update. Your right it looks alot different. I love all the new corals and such. Very nice looking tank. Great job!


Originally Posted by crt81
How many fish do you have in there? Is that angelfish okay to have in a tank like that? I just love the way the Imepiror Angelfish looks (my mom really wants me to put that fish in my tank) People say it gets to big, but I just love its coloration. Anything that can be helpful to me please add!!!
How many fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crt81
How many fish do you have in there? Is that angelfish okay to have in a tank like that? I just love the way the Imepiror Angelfish looks (my mom really wants me to put that fish in my tank) People say it gets to big, but I just love its coloration. Anything that can be helpful to me please add!!!
He is about four inches, may grow larger. When full grown he will require a larger tank, like a 75 or so.. Mine hasnt been nipping any of the corals or anything but i also keep him very well fed so im not too sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crt81
How many fish?
11 fish. List is as follows:
-1 regal angel
-4 chromis
-1 niger trigger
-1 dwarf lion
-1 yellow watchman goby
-2 (Pair) of false percs
-1 longnose hawkfish


Active Member
purple monti cap...Looking for an orange one!

did some rearranging of rockwork...I really wanna build the reef up higher.


Active Member
your tank is awesome. You have so many fish in their but the tank looks so healthy and evyerthing seems to be very happy. Zyour corals looks great. Its just a great tank overall


Active Member
i thought u said the trigger went b ack to the lfs.. but i see both, the trigger and anglel in the same pics
so now how mnay fush do you have?
i th ink your way overstocked
the tanks looks incredible though..
u have quite the bank lol


Active Member
Well he did go back, to the LFS that i worked at, but it was my 5 year old brothers favorite fish, and he got upset when i took it back. So i brought home another, this one is a bit smaller t han the other one, and so far, less aggressive. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed. But not really, I'm only 16 and I work at my LFS where i go down to the wholesalers and pick out the corals and fish for the store, as well as a little for my personal tank weekly. So i get things at like 1/3 retail price usually! Lol, and since i'm still in high school, I don't really have anything to spend my money on besides gas and my tank :D


Active Member
I know, big i have an insanely large cleanup crew and i'm over filtering it a lot. Most of these fish are onyl temporary, as they will need larger tanks as they grow. Most fo the larger fish like the blue tang, yellow tang, trigger and regal will all be going into the 300g fish only at work eventually.


Active Member
I work for my LFS. Its just a medium sized store with what used to be a terrible SW selection, but my boss who is also a former aquarist, and I have brought some life back into the place. I really enjoy working there cuz its another part of my hobby. But yeah, i have 4 sm-med cleaner shrimp and he doesn't bother them, same with my scarlet and blue leg hermits. Haven't really seen him go after anything except other fish basically.