72 bowfront 6 1/2 months

hawk fish

i have 600 wats on a 90 gallon tank i dont think its the lights what additive do you use??? (i use 2 little fishes c- ballence)


Active Member
Wow, Ice...that yellow tang looks absolutely horrific!!!

Got any closeups of the way he looks today?
Kudos to you for saving the little guy! :joy:


hey Jayc The lighting is not the best but it has been working so far (265) watt PC. Note this is not the kind of lighting I reccomend for an sps reer. The sps that I have were aquacultured and seem to thrive quite well under my lighting. This lighting is most sutable for mid to low light corals.


i just thought of an interesting idea to use some unsightly space. Does anyone know if people have ever placed plate montipora colars on their overflow box? i decided to try it and I hope it works!


I have the same tank and am in the process of converting from fish only to reef. Can you tell me what kind of filtration you are using or recc. and also the lighting you are using. Wattage etc. I have the matching black cap that nicely encloses the top of the tank, and am curious how much heat you can get away with. Currently I am running a 260 watt pc, but am considering upgrading to a combination pc with the dual MH bulbs built in.
Tank is lookin' sweet by the way!!! :happy:


WOW!! What a gorgeous tank...and Beth -- you are my hero! That is so amazing. I just purhcased a 72 gallon that is being delivered tonight. I am upgrading from my 36gallon aggressive tank. The 72 I am getting has nothing, so I am going from the ground up. May I ask for some guidance? What type PH's/GPH output (I think thats what its called) do you have on the 72 tank? Also, it looks like an overflow box on the back left that drains into your sump? Do you have a skimmer in your sump: what kind? How large is your sump and what do you have in it? Are you growing any pods or brine in there?
What types and how much lighting do you have, and what size is your ballast? I think this is key -- your suns are doing SO WELL!! I need the most help with lighting.
I am going to begin cycling my tank this weekend. I have ordered the LS and LR and a cleanup crew. I think I will transport some of my water from my 36 over to the 72 to begin the cycle --- has anyone else cycled like this? Sounds like a good idea, but I am such a tank noob and I don't want to hurt anything. I am going to go extremely slow; this hobby has taught me that patience is a virtue, for sure. I am using a standard jebo filter on there to cycle, but will also be upgrading that. Any suggestions?
Thanks for sharing the pics!! Let me just say, I am old enough to be most of the people on here's mom!! Ugh, I feel old.
And it is so strange to be learning from youngsters, but I am glad that I have you all!! :happyfish


hey guys, i just had surgery so i may not post picts for a while. I think i mentioned my lightinh earlier. I can only type with one hand but i'll get back to you guys soon!


Originally Posted by iceemn360
Finally here it is
BEAUTIFUL!!! Can I ask what lights you are using?
thanks!! I hope to get similar results someday. How long have you had this tank and what is your maintenance schedule as far as additives, changing and topping water off?
Just want to get an idea...


Originally Posted by Lennon
BEAUTIFUL!!! Can I ask what lights you are using?
thanks!! I hope to get similar results someday. How long have you had this tank and what is your maintenance schedule as far as additives, changing and topping water off?
Just want to get an idea...

Well Lennon, hte tank is about 7 moths old now.
Top offs, usuallly every 5 days
view ph monitor and check temp
View fish for any sins of ich or illness
Check on skimmer
5gallon waterchange
clean coraline and film algae
Feeding: I feed the fish twice a day with a varied diet of pellet, frozen, and flake food
carnivorous inverts and corals are fed every 4 days with cyclopeeze
Dose the tank with liquid life every 5 days and liquid invert food
Lighting is not the best (better for shrooms and LPS corals that require medium light)
260 watt Power compact


Originally Posted by pitbull01
WHOA!! Might I ask what fish you have in there? Gorgeous!!!!

there is a list on the first page. Thanks for your comments!!!


Lighting is not the best (better for shrooms and LPS corals that require medium light)
260 watt Power compact
Yes, but it beats having to get the MH..First off, I hate the fact that they are tooo hot...release mercury vapors and use up tons of electric. I know they look nicer in the water and give off better light..but I am trying to get good results without using them.
You seem to have gotten great results with the other lights from the look of your tank.
It's just 7 months old and looks terrific. How do you feel about the hobby. Are you happy you did it? I just get curious since I am getting ready to start.
I want mostly a tank with LR, LS and some beautiful fish. A few corals and shrooms and one anemone for the clown fish. Hopefully I can have that without the MH lighting.
If anyone has any advise..please send it my way.
Thanks much and good luck on your tank..looks great.


thanks lennon. I am very happy that I got started. actually, my friend was the one who dot me interested. 1st I bouht the tank and my friends helped me set it up(I know much much less than What I know now). It was at the point where i didn't even know what a sump or a refrugium was. THe tank has turned out great. Just make sure to avoid sandsifter stars, which starve to death, treat you fish with hyposalinity, fand live rock with some coraline alread on it (this will help "seed" your tank) and make SURE to introduce agressive fish last ex. chreub and flame back pygmy angels. It is normal for the tank to undergo an algae bloom and a cyano bacteria bloom in the beginning (the pictures that I posted earlier show it). Introduce clowns at the same time with one being larger than the other, and most important of all HAVE FUN!!!!!!


oh yeah, the clowns dont necessarily need an anemone
frogspawns, xenia bundles, and other corals work just as well to their liiking


Hey, nice tank. I am 14. heres my 75 gallon tank. I just got my lights so i havent had time to get the corals i wanted to yet. I've been in the hobby for almost a year now. I don't know why its so white, it might be because i just did a water change. (It doesn't look this bright in real life). I love the way your rocks are set up. If u have any tips on placing your rocks, just let us know.