for the live rock I usually place either large pieces of bulk rock or ugly long flat pieces of live rock as the base. (make sure they are well places so that the excavation of sandifting organisms doesn't shift them ) From there, use your creativity with arcing rocks and spaces. Mine was created so that the center of the rockwork is like the edge of a reef before a drop off. U can use bulk rock to fill in any gaps. I have mainly fiji live rock with a coulple coral heads and others mixed in.
for the live rock I usually place either large pieces of bulk rock or ugly long flat pieces of live rock as the base. (make sure they are well places so that the excavation of sandifting organisms doesn't shift them ) From there, use your creativity with arcing rocks and spaces. Mine was created so that the center of the rockwork is like the edge of a reef before a drop off. U can use bulk rock to fill in any gaps. I have mainly fiji live rock with a coulple coral heads and others mixed in.