720 gal


Leopard Babe you DID post . I saw it and was posting under you when I got distracted . I was gonna post what a great setup that was and will say it now !


Active Member
I thought I had a post. I thought I was like the first one :thinking: . Oh well, maybe I made a moderator mad??? Another post I made today disappreared as well.
That filtration is great!!!!!! I can't even imagine how big it is. I would be afraid it would suck me in
Thanks for the filtration pix, and the fish. That would be so wierd to be sitting in your living room, and walk up to your tank, and be face to face with a shrak. I wish I could do that :rolleyes: . Perhaps someday.
I love the PUFFER!!!!!!!! Puffers are my favorite, that one looks huge. Big and fat,
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!


Nice tank!!!!

How big is that Blacktip? Is the tank glass or acrylic? I am going to go about that big in my living room.


Thanks for the pics. Was the filtration system bought or did you build it in house?
Leopard.. WHat's a shrak?? Is that like a shrek only different?? :D


being a retail store dont think it would be fair to say . but it could be bought for 15k turn key. we set up all the tanks we sell


Active Member
CRAP man. Actually, I was waiting for an opportunity like this. I was like cruising around at a carnival the other night, and I looked outside across the street at a restaurant called the JASMINE. Inside were like 4 200+ tanks (I dont know exactly, but they were HUGE. And wat sucked about it was that there were like clowns, damsels and ONE like CATFISH. I was like GET A LIONFISH!!! GET SOME TANGS!!!! lol. Come to think of it, they musta been like in the 300 range. FOUR of them. I wanted to live in there, lol. Nice tank man though. Lucky you work at a retail place. 9500 gallons is like a ...... "pool?". LOL



Originally posted by Gibbus
It is a black tip reef shark

...because if it were green we wouldn't know where to stop mowing our lawns.