75 gallon tank build!


Bought a complete 75 gallon tank setup for a steal, being a little indecisive right now, I'll be getting the tank on wens. and I will also be getting my live rock wens. (ordered it offline). Heres my problem, I ordered a ro purifier, and estimated shipping is the 12-18, I also needed more salt, so I ordered a bucket of good sea salt off the internet, I don't have any good local fish stores. Right now I don't have enough ro water to fill my new tank, and won't have enough until I get my new ro system installed (unless I make a ton of trips to walmart) I'll be receiving live rock I ordered, and also a bunch of live rock from the guy I bought the tank off of. I asked the supplier of my live rock and they said it could last up to 1 week in its packaging without it dieing off, so that means I have until next wens to get my new tank up. The other thing I could do is put them in my 29 gallon tank now, and let it cycle, and then add the water from my cycled 29 gallon and all the live rock and sand into my 75 gallon, but I don't really want to do this for I filled my 29 gallon with tap water(dumb decision). I would like to fill my new tank with all ro water, I guess my question is, will it be ok to move my cured live rock and sand into a non cycled tank?
Another note, I need a stock list for this, I'm really interested in getting a lion fish, but I really don't want one as my first fish. What other fish could I get that are easy to take care of, and compatible with the lion fish. My tank is 48" long if that helps. I will post pictures as soon as I get my tank up!

mr. limpid

Active Member
first best to re cure LR when ordering from online, so good idea to put in smaller tank, just need a power head and heater. As for fish with loin I would look at at compatibility chart there are many to chose from.


Thank limpid, I had a chat with snake about that, and he convinced me, although it is a good idea to seperatley cure our rock, it is really not needed, so I decided to just throw them in my tank and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the tank upgrade. I am completely jealous. Good job.
If I were you, I would buy a rubbermaid tub, dechlorinate some tap water and mix some salt in the tub. Then, I would add a powerhead/filter whatever to the rubbermaid and put the liverock in it that was shipped. Then, I would take the live rock from that guys tank and stuff it in your 29g.
Tap water is fine to use for starting a tank, but it will cause algae problems. Here's the kicker - when you start your 75g with all RO/Salt water, simply do not use any of the old water from your 29 and the rubbermaid container.
I wouldn't leave live rock in a box for a week at all. The sooner you can get it in actual saltwater with some water flow - the better.


Thats honestly the route I wanted to go, I want to start with clean water that I know will be good for my fish! I have a 10.5 gallon trash can I was going to use to mix my salt water in, the only problem is I don't have a spare powerhead or filter right now, I'm waiting for 2 powerheads to arrive that I ordered. The guy that sold me the tank said about already having the live rock in a tub of salt water, so I might be able to just put my new live rock in my 29 gal, if thats the case. I'm super excited for this! The only thing i'm unsure about is how i'm going to get my sand from my 29 gal into my new tank, I'm considering just going out and buying all new media, or maybe even going bare bottom!


Well-Known Member
Dude, go barebottom. It's pretty freakin' sweet. Don't have to deal with sand blowing around everywhere and getting dirty... Plus, you can put your powerheads anywhere you want and don't have to worry about stirring up the sandbed...

Make it look much cleaner to me. I painted the bottom of my tank with Krylon flat white paint. Of course, the colors suck because I took it with my iPhone.


I like the barebottom because it makes the tank look so clean, but then on the other hand it really looks like its missing something without sand, wonder if you could buy a sand backdrop for it ;P


Well-Known Member
LOL, well, it takes a day or two to get used to it.
You're not loosing any buffering capacity by ditching the sand. Sand does not buffer your water by any means.
Plus, it would help you save a buck. lol!


I'm all for saving money!
I guess if I really hate the bare bottom, I could add sand in before I put fish in, I heard bare bottom is a lot easier to take care of since you don't have to vac it and all that good stuff. Still have a bit of a dilemma snake, would it hurt to leave live rock in water for a few days without any cirulation? I know I should have those powerheads some time this week, oh wait what am I thinking... I could just steal the powerhead and heater from the tank I'm getting the same day LOL my brain is not with me today man! Don't some creatures need sand to burrow under, or is that just more along the lines of CUC critters?


I have been looking into compatible fish for the lion fish..and I really don't like any of them, so I think i'm going to stick with a pair of clowns for now, and forget about the lion fish.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build#post_3448898
I'm all for saving money!
I guess if I really hate the bare bottom, I could add sand in before I put fish in, I heard bare bottom is a lot easier to take care of since you don't have to vac it and all that good stuff. Still have a bit of a dilemma snake, would it hurt to leave live rock in water for a few days without any cirulation? I know I should have those powerheads some time this week, oh wait what am I thinking... I could just steal the powerhead and heater from the tank I'm getting the same day LOL my brain is not with me today man! Don't some creatures need sand to burrow under, or is that just more along the lines of CUC critters?
If you go with snails, they would love it, but you'll never see them your rocks. But if you go with crabs they will hate it, no traction for them. You can add clowns with dwarf lion, which is what I recomend for your 29gal tank.


So you don't think the lion would hurt the clowns? I love clowns and I love lions lol, if I could have both that would be great. As for a CUC, I heard some people say they are needed, but then I heard others say don't waste your time or money with them.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build#post_3448876
Congrats on the tank upgrade. I am completely jealous. Good job.
If I were you, I would buy a rubbermaid tub, dechlorinate some tap water and mix some salt in the tub. Then, I would add a powerhead/filter whatever to the rubbermaid and put the liverock in it that was shipped. Then, I would take the live rock from that guys tank and stuff it in your 29g.
Tap water is fine to use for starting a tank, but it will cause algae problems. Here's the kicker - when you start your 75g with all RO/Salt water, simply do not use any of the old water from your 29 and the rubbermaid container.
I wouldn't leave live rock in a box for a week at all. The sooner you can get it in actual saltwater with some water flow - the better.
Snakes right.....You can use dechlorinated tap water to cure the live rock without a problem. Then when you get your RO unit up and going you can put them into your tank then. The tap won't matter as long as you don't use it to fill the tank at all. You do want to get the rock in SW ASAP, like right out of the box when it arrives.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build#post_3449104
So you don't think the lion would hurt the clowns? I love clowns and I love lions lol, if I could have both that would be great. As for a CUC, I heard some people say they are needed, but then I heard others say don't waste your time or money with them.
That's because lionfish eat anything that fits in their mouths so a CUC is a waste of money with them. I don't know much about lionfish, but I THINK if you get one of the big lions they will also eat the clownfish. They grow pretty fast. There is a dwarf lion or fuzzy lionfish, which will stay pretty small...they all eat the CUC.
I have NEVER vacuumed the sand of my SW tanks. The CUC keeps it clean. If I were going to get a lionfish I also would try a bare bottom tank.


So, if I got my clownfish now and left the grow, would they be big enough by the time I got a lion that they would be ok together? Thanks for the information flower, I should be receiving them tomorrow, going to get them into the tank tonight as soon as I can, hopefully i'll have my ro machine this week, I really hope so, so i can set my tank up the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build#post_3449107
So, if I got my clownfish now and left the grow, would they be big enough by the time I got a lion that they would be ok together? Thanks for the information flower, I should be receiving them tomorrow, going to get them into the tank tonight as soon as I can, hopefully i'll have my ro machine this week, I really hope so, so i can set my tank up the weekend.
You are not getting a clown fish until all is cycled correct????
I have had my clownfish for 6 years and they are about 2.5 inches big. They would be safe I believe with a small lion fish. I don't know much about them. I was told the big ones will eat any fish it can get in it's mouth and they have a good sized mouth.
There are so many fish to choose from, I wouldn't settle on a lionfish too soon...shop around. The colors alone are dull compaired to the eye popping beauty of a dwarf angelfish and they get along just fine with a clownfish.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Loin fish are cool, the way the swim it's so graceful and when they eat it's amazing. They are in one spot and then in a blink of a eye they are in the spot where there prey was. Just read up what to feed them, no fresh water feeders, they will get liver disease and die. Remember if you didn't research it, don't buy it.