75 gallon tank build!


Got my new setup today, now its time for setup :). I wont have the live rock I ordered until tomorrow and i'm also getting the salt I ordered on friday. I already received my ro filter and will have that up and running tomorrow. Im going to have my tank filled by the end of the day friday, so i'm going to just leave the live rock in the packaging it comes in so i can break down my old tank tomorrow and get it out of the way. They told me it should last up to a week in the packaging, but i'm still concerned, if my live rock dies how will I get it repopulated? The guy I bought my tank off of put all his live rock in two buckets, I put a powerhead and a heater in the one bucket, but the water was cold when it got here, and I'm not sure if its alive still.


I really want to get it set up tonight, but I need to drain my old tank and get it out of the way, and there isn't enough time for that tonight ;[, plus I need to make a trip to homedepot tomorrow to get an adapter so I can hook my ro up to my spigot. Then I have to run that for hours until its all flushed out, but I should have it all ready by friday so I can start filling my tank.


solution: filled a 10 gallon trash can with fish tank water, threw in a powerhead and heater and now its ready for some live rock!


Snake, I haven't heard much out of you :O I have decided to give barebottom a try, If I hate it, the guy gave me a whole bucket of his tank sand, so if I can't stand it being bare, i'll add some sand in before I put fish in. Going to homedepot tonight and will have my ro filter running, I drained my old tank last night, and i'm planning on moving that out of the way tonight, and I'll be setting up my new tank in its place. Anyone have any smart and easy ways to remove sand from the bottom of a tank? Anyways I'll have pics once my tank is in place tonight, and then more when its filled with live rock tomorrow!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build/20#post_3449586
Just siphon it out while you are doing a water change.
I cleared out my 29g of sand by siphoning out the sand with a 3/4" tube. The tank was full of saltwater at the time, but I was breaking it down and that was the only way I could think of to get the sand out easily. Good luck with the new set up. A 75g should give you a lot of options. Can't wait to see some pics!!


Siphoning didn't work, the media was to heavy, i'm going to almost have to scoop it out with something. I installed my ro system today, I heard that you have to leave the water supply on to them all the time, is this true?


Well-Known Member
Yes. It's best to put your RO unit on a float valve - so that when enough water is produced, it will back the system up and cause it to stop running. If you shut off the water supply every time between making water - you run the risk of drying out your RO Membrane.


Active Member
Word of caution....If your RO doesn't have the ASOV (automatic shut off valve) do not just install a float valve.....The float valve will stop water production, but the system will be under constant pressure.......Then you'd really be worried about flooding your basement.


I'm not 100%sure if it has an asov, I think it does since when the tank supplied with it gets filled, the system stops running, so there is something that it keeping water from running through the system. As for my tank, I have to wait for my friend to come over to move it into my basement (my girlfriend couldn't even lift it :( ) I still have about 9 gallons of water from walmart, and about 4 gallons sitting in my ro tank now, so maybe I can have my tank half filled tonight( crosses fingers) and then done and running by tomorrow. Then I can put my mass amount of live rock in! I have a bucket and a half of sand that was from my tank, and the tank I bought, I don't know what to do with it, because i'm pretty sure i'm just going to stick to bare bottom.


Yep, just checked and confirmed, it does have an automatic shut of valve, I'm thinking of going the route of a float so I can fill my 29 gallon tank up while i'm not home and then not have to worry about anything. Thanks acrylic for pointing that out ;)


ahahahaha, well I figured it wasn't all that heavy considering I could lift the tank myself, just can't move in anywhere...guess shes weaker than I thought, I should have just asked my friend to come over like I was going to, I could be going home and filling it right after work, but not I have to wait for my friend to get there and set it all up, oh well, lesson learned ;P


So, I bought a bucket of brightwell salt mix, after reading a little, a lot of people have bad things to say about it, now i'm kinda worried to start my tank with it, should I give it a try, I would hate to have wasted all of that money.