75 gallon tank build!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build/20#post_3449876
lol, you made your girlfriend try to move your tank with you?? wow...
I had both my daughter and wife help me get my tank off end......I could easily lift it on end, but trying to control the thing coming down.....
Needless to say they couldn't control it as well, and instead of letting the tank drop I let it fall and pin my forearms under the tank......Needless to say 2 weeks of badly bruised up to my elbows, but the tank made it in 1 piece......


Gardners is a few miles outside of carlisle, about 40 mins away from harrisburg, I didn't hear anything about that frag swap, but it sounds cool!


If its a saturday I have to work ;(, but progression on my tank
Picture is bad, stupid flash, theres the set up though minus the lighting and protein skimmer, which isn't needed until I actually have something living in there.

Started filling, used all the ro water I produced today, I will be able to run it all day tomorrow so hopefully I should have the rest of the water to fill it, I hope at least. Live rock is chilling in a bucket as of right now with a heater and powerhead, can't wait to start aquascaping!
Question: once my tank is filled, should I let the water warm before I put my live rock in, or can I just throw it in with the water being room temperature/coldish?


Well-Known Member
Are you adding freshwater or saltwater to that tank?? If it's freshwater then you are gonna have to mix saltwater for 24 hours before aquascaping.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good! So, any progress made today?
You know to add salt to water, not water to salt, right? Nothing wrong with mixing saltwater in the display tank when your just first starting it. I've done that many times. :D


Yep, I fill the tank first then add the salt in until I get the right level, my tank is about 3/4 full as of tonight, going to let my ro filter run all night and fill my 29 gallon, it only filled it about half way in the 8 hours it ran today, so hopefully i'll have a half or more tomorrow morning and will be able to finish off my 75 gallon, then I can finally add that salt in and get everything circulating! I don't have enough room in my sump for my heater, I was wondering could I possibly put it in the internal overflow to hide it, I don't see why it would be a problem since there is tons of water flow there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build/40#post_3449992
Gardners is a few miles outside of carlisle, about 40 mins away from harrisburg, I didn't hear anything about that frag swap, but it sounds cool!
Yeah not to far from me then....I'm right off of 81 Progress Ave exit to be exact.....Yeah if you go to fragswapper.com you can check it out.....


Yep, I know where progress ave. is! Thats really cool, didn't really expect to find anyone that close to me! I checked the website, I have been wanting to go to that fish place for a while now, I heard its an amazing store, to bad its over an hour away.


I'm getting impatient! My display tank is full, just waiting for enough water to get my sump filled and I can get that pump rollin!


Tank and sump filled FINALLY! Everything is running and circulating, going to add my salt soon. I was wondering, I don't have room for my heater in the sump, so the only other option is in the tank, could I put it in the internal overflow so its hidden, I don't see why it wouldn't work since there is lots of flow there.


Active Member
As longs as its submerged. If you don't have a standpipe setup I would advise against this. If you maintain a waterlevel in there. I wouldn't see it being a problem.
Congrats on the fill, now the headaches start....enjoy!